
What is the work done on a dipole in a uniform electric field?

What is the work done on a dipole in a uniform electric field?

For an electric dipole p in a uniform field E we write the work done by an external agent in rotating dipole as dW=pEsinθdθ.

When dipole moment of a dipole is parallel to electric field intensity the potential energy of dipole is?

The minimum potential energy of the dipole does not mean the potential energy to be zero. The potential energy of the dipole is minimum when the dipole is parallel to the external electric field.

What is the work done in rotating an electric dipole in an external uniform electric field from 0 to 180 degree?

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W = pE [ -cos (theta)] between limits of angle theta =0 and theta = 180 degrees. W = 2. r.q.E and is positive as the external agent is doing the work.

What is the work done in turning an electric dipole through 180 degree?

The dipole is said to be stable when the dipole is aligned in the direction of the electric field. Read more about Electricity and magnetism….Work done if dipole rotated from 180 degree.

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What is the work done of dipole?

Energy of a dipole in electric field: We calculate the energy of a diple in a electric field E by bringing the dipole from infinity and placing it such that −q charge is at r. Work done is ( E = −∇V (r)), U = −q V (r) + q V (r + s).

What is the work done in turning an electric dipole placed through 360?

= 0.

When dipole is antiparallel to the electric field the?

So, when the electric field is not uniform then the net force will be non-zero and there will also be torque on the following system. If the dipole moment p is parallel or antiparallel to the external field E, the net torque is zero but there is a non-uniform force on the dipole E.

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What is the work done in turning an electric dipole through 360 o?

What is the work done in turning the dipole from stable to unstable equilibrium?

Work done in rotating an electric dipole is 6.4 × 10-4 J.

What will be the nature of electric potential at a place where the electric field is zero?

If the electric field at a point is zero then the potential at that point will be a constant.

When dipole is parallel or antiparallel to E?

it is seen that when p is parallel to E, dipole has a net force in the direction of growing field, and when p is anti-parallel to E, the net force on dipole I in the direction of decreasing field. Power depends on dipole mom’s orientation. Hence, option B is correct.