
What is Wscript shell in VBScript?

What is Wscript shell in VBScript?

WshShell is a generic name for a powerful object that enables you to query and interact with various aspects of the Windows shell. You can display information to the user, run applications, create shortcuts, work with the Registry, and control Windows’ environment variables.

What is CreateObject in VBScript?

The CreateObject function is used to create an object of the type specified in the argument. The Set statement assigns the object reference to a variable or property. The keyword Nothing is used to unassign the object reference from the variable or property.

What is CreateObject shell application?

CreateObject is used to create a new object. GetObject(filename) connects to an open file, and if not open, opens it. Set xlBook = GetObject(“C:\Users\David Candy\Documents\Super.xls”) msgbox GetObject(“”,”shell. application”) connect to an existing object and fails if it’s not running.

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What is Wscript echo in VBScript?

The Echo method concatenates its arguments into a space-separated string and displays this string in a Dialog Box (if invoked under wscript), or on the standard output stream (if invoked under cscript). Under cscript, a newline character is appended to the output.

What is Server CreateObject?

The CreateObject method creates an instance of a server component. If the component has implemented the OnStartPage and OnEndPage methods, the OnStartPage method is called at this time.

Is VBScript an OOP?

To be more precise, JavaScript is a prototype based object oriented language, which means it doesn’t have classes rather it define behaviors using constructor function and then reuse it using the prototype.

What is a Windows shell object?

The Shell object represents the objects in the Shell. You can use the methods exposed by the Shell object to: Open, explore, and browse for folders. Minimize, restore, cascade, or tile open windows. Launch Control Panel applications.

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Which of the following sites was famous for making shell objects?

Answer : The two centres for making shell objects in the Harappan Civilisation are Nageshwar and Balakot. Shell objects like bangles, ladles and inlay were made at these specialized centres. Both the settlements are near the coast.

How do you handle errors in VBScript?

Use the standard means of handling VBScript errors by using the VBScript On Error statement. You can then examine the Err error object and analyze errors at any time. For example: On Error Resume Next Err.

How do I debug a VBScript?

Starts here1:21How to Debug VBScript (Visual Studio) – YouTubeYouTube