
What Japanese movie was Star Wars based on?

What Japanese movie was Star Wars based on?

The Hidden Fortress
George Lucas has said the original “Star Wars” movie was inspired by Japanese cinema, in particular Akira Kurosawa’s “The Hidden Fortress.” But if you watch “Fortress,” the connection isn’t really that strong.

What movie did Star Wars copy?

Lucas has said that the plot and characters in the 1958 Japanese film The Hidden Fortress, directed by Akira Kurosawa, was a major inspiration. Additionally, the film influenced Lucas to tell the story of Star Wars from the viewpoint of the humble droids, rather than a major player.

Is Star Wars based on Seven Samurai?

The films of legendary director Akira Kurosawa were one of the primary inspirations for Star Wars, and the franchise continued to make references and homages to Kurosawa’s films well after it debuted in 1977.

Did George Lucas rip off Hidden Fortress?

According to The BBC, George Lucas has said that this is the main inspiration he took from Kurosawa’s movie. “The one thing that really struck me about The Hidden Fortress… was the fact that the story was told from the [perspective of] the two lowest characters.

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What was Rey’s original name?

But maybe the most fascinating fact is the terrible name Rey originally had. Hidalgo says in the book, “In George Lucas’s original outline, she was a 14-year-old girl named Taryn. In his subsequent iterations, she would briefly be named Thea and – believe it or not – Winkie.

Is Star Wars a real movie?

Star Wars is an American epic space opera multimedia franchise created by George Lucas, which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide pop-culture phenomenon….

Star Wars
Created by George Lucas
Original work Star Wars (1977)
Owner Lucasfilm Ltd.
Print publications

Are Jedi just space samurai?

If you needed any more evidence that Jedi are, in fact, the samurai from outer space – it might interest you to know that the actor originally earmarked for the role of the wise and worldly Obi-wan Kenobi was none other than Toshiro Mifune, who played General Rokurota in The Hidden Fortress.

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Why was George Lucas kicked out of the Directors Guild?

In 1977, when “A New Hope” came out, the Directors Guild required all movies to begin with traditional opening credits. George Lucas had another vision for his “Star Wars” films, though. So, he paid a fine and resigned from the Guild, rather than do away with the now iconic crawl.