
What jobs offer the most vacation time?

What jobs offer the most vacation time?

Here are 13 jobs with flexible schedules or added vacation benefits that may give employees more time off than those in other professions:

  1. K-12 teachers. National average salary: $23,390 per year.
  2. Pilots.
  3. Firefighters.
  4. Air traffic controllers.
  5. Librarians.
  6. Law professors.
  7. School psychologist.
  8. Dental hygienists.

What country has mandatory vacations?

Austria tops the list with an incredible mandatory 42 paid vacation days. Brazil and France came in right behind with 30 mandatory paid days off. On the low end of the spectrum, the U.S. came in at the very bottom with an appalling zero mandatory paid vacation days.

How much vacation do German workers get?


Country and flag Paid vacation days (five-day workweek) Total paid leave (five-day workweek)
Germany 20 30
Ghana 15 28
Greece 20 32
Grenada 10 23

How many vacation days do German workers get?

In Germany the minimum holiday/vacation entitlement is 24 working days a year. This is based on a working week of six working days (excluding Sundays).

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What is Netflix vacation policy?

Time Away: Our vacation policy is “take vacation” and we actually do. Frankly, we intermix work and personal time quite a bit. Time away works differently at Netflix. We don’t set a holiday and vacation schedule, so you can observe what’s important to you—including when your mind and body need a break.

Can a company deny your vacation time?

If a company states in your employment contract that it will give you vacation days, it is required to give you the days promised. For example, your employer may require you to submit a request for vacation time two weeks prior to the vacation. If you do not comply with the rule, your employer can deny your request.