
What languages do you want to learn and why?

What languages do you want to learn and why?

The Most Important Languages To Learn In 2021

  1. Mandarin Chinese. With over one billion Mandarin Chinese speakers in the world, of course it tops the list of most important languages to learn in 2021.
  2. Spanish.
  3. German.
  4. French.
  5. Arabic.
  6. Russian.
  7. Portuguese.
  8. 8. Japanese.

What languages are you studying?

There are over 50 countries in La Francophonie, and you, my friend, must be pretty culturally sophisticated to pick a language study abroad program that could take you anywhere from Senegal to Belgium. Spanish language learners take their tapas at 10 p.m., with a heaping side of pragmatism.

Why are we learning languages?

The study of foreign languages teaches and encourages respect for other peoples: it fosters an understanding of the interrelation of language and human nature. Foreign languages expand one’s view of the world, liberalize one’s experiences, and make one more flexible and tolerant.

Which language should you learn?

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All in all, Mandarin is the best language to learn because of its growing economy and number of language speakers. Spanish and Arabic are next for the the top spots for the best language to learn abroad because of the sheer demand and job opportunities for them.

Do you like learning foreign languages Why?

Foreign language study creates more positive attitudes and less prejudice toward people who are different. International travel is made easier and more pleasant through knowing a foreign language. Skills like problem solving, dealing with abstract concepts, are increased when you study a foreign language.

What in your opinion is the best way to learn a language?

Best Ways to Learn a New Language

  1. Make New Friends.
  2. Copy Elementary School Kids.
  3. Watch a Movie.
  4. Pretend You’re at a Restaurant.
  5. Seek Out Online Resources.
  6. Try Online Courses (like Lingodeer and Italki!)
  7. Teach Yourself.