
What level is Wallace in Emerald?

What level is Wallace in Emerald?

Updated Elite 4 Sets in Emerald

Champion Wallace Wailord Gyarados
Lv. 57 Lv. 56

What Pokémon does Wallace have in Emerald?

Emerald. Wallace steps down as a Gym Leader in Emerald and gives the position to his former teacher Juan while replacing Steven Stone as the Champion. Wallace specializes in Water-type Pokémon and has Milotic, Gyarados, and others.

How do you beat the elite four in Emerald?


  1. Bring many potions (hyper potions) and ethers/elixirs. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0.
  2. Make sure you range the types of your Pokémon! You could get killed easily!
  3. Catch Rayquaza. He is obtainable before the elite four at the top of sky pillar.
  4. Have all six slots filled in your bag for Pokémon.
  5. Try again if you fail!
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Where is Wallace in Pokemon Emerald?

Wallace can be found in the Cave of Origin, which is located on the north shore of the Sootopolis lake. You will need to speak to Steven to the west of the gym in order to get to Wallace.

How do you beat Wallace?

Hit him hard with super effective attacks. Grass and electric in most cases. If you’re struggling, a good idea might be to say, use a psychic type for his tentacruel or a flying type for his ludicolo. That way, you’re still using super effective attacks while conserving your electric and grass types.

Is Wallace a girl Pokemon?

“Artist, and lover of water.” GOTCHA! Our Cup Runneth Over! Wallace (Japanese: ミクリ Mikuri) is a highly accomplished Trainer and Coordinator who specializes in Water-type Pokémon….Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire.

Type: Water Unknown Ability: Swift Swim Held item: None
Luvdisc♀ Lv.40

How do you defeat Wallace?

What happens if you lose to Wallace Emerald?

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After being defeated, he gives out the Rain Badge, as well as TM03 (Water Pulse)RS or HM05 (Waterfall)ORAS. In Pokémon Emerald, Wallace is first encountered at the Cave of Origin, where he guides the player to the Sky Pillar to awaken Rayquaza.

What is Wallace’s team?

Wallace]] is the leader of the Sootopolis City Gym. He specializes in Water-type Pokemon. His team consists of a Luvdisc, Whiscash, Sealeo, Seaking, and Milotic.

How old is Wallace Pokemon?


Wallace ミクリ Mikuri
Game(s): Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald
Type: Water
Age: 30+
Hometown: Sootopolis City

What to do after you beat Wallace?

After you Win After you defeat Wallace, you get the Rain Badge. It causes all pokémon to obey you. Wallace also gives you HM05 Waterfall, which you can use out of battle now that you have the Rain Badge. Waterfall allows you to swim up waterfalls.