
What Longitude is Santa Barbara on?

What Longitude is Santa Barbara on?

34.4208° N, 119.6982° W
Santa Barbara/Coordinates

What latitude are we at here in Santa Barbara?

Santa Barbara, CA, USA is located at United States country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 34° 25′ 14.9880” N and 119° 41′ 53.4804” W….Santa Barbara, CA, USA Lat Long Coordinates Info.

Country United States
Country Code US
Zoom Level 12

What longitude line is Los Angeles on?

The latitude of Los Angeles, CA, USA is 34.052235, and the longitude is -118.243683. Los Angeles, CA, USA is located at United States country in the Cities place category with the gps coordinates of 34° 3′ 8.0460” N and 118° 14′ 37.2588” W.

What is the longitude and latitude of San Francisco California?

37.7749° N, 122.4194° W
San Francisco/Coordinates

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What’s the latitude of New York City?

40.7128° N, 74.0060° W
New York/Coordinates

What latitude is Regina?

50.4452° N, 104.6189° W

What latitude is Santa Cruz CA?

36.9741° N, 122.0308° W
Santa Cruz/Coordinates

What is the latitude and longitude of Santa Maria?

34.9530° N, 120.4357° W
Santa Maria/Coordinates

What is the longitude of Mexico City?

19.4326° N, 99.1332° W
Mexico City/Coordinates

What is the latitude of San Jose California?

37.3382° N, 121.8863° W
San Jose/Coordinates

What is the longitude of Sydney?

33.8688° S, 151.2093° E

What is the highest latitude in NYS?

The Geography of New York

Longitude / Latitude Longitude: 71° 47′ 25″ W to 79° 45′ 54″ W Latitude: 40° 29′ 40″ N to 45° 0′ 42″ N
Highest Point The highest point in New York is Mount Marcy. Mount Marcy rises 5, 344 feet above sea level.