
What makes an albino rabbit?

What makes an albino rabbit?

Albinism is an inherited trait, resulting in a lack of hair and skin color in an animal and red or pink eyes. An albino rabbit has a mutated gene combination that overrides all other combinations, resulting in a lack of the enzyme tyrosinase. In a rabbit, that means white hair and red eyes.

Do all albino rabbits have red eyes?

Pure albinos usually have red eyes with no pigment in their skin or fur. Certain albino bunnies also have blue eyes, which is rare. ‘Red eyes with no white fur’ in rabbits can only be related to an eye infection, medically termed as hyperemia.

Why is my rabbit white?

A rabbit will have darker fur during the summer. In the winter, as the days grow shorter, less melanin is produced. This, in turn, means that a rabbit’s new coat will lack pigmentation. In snowy climes, it’s quite common for a rabbit’s fur to turn completely white.

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How do I know if my rabbit is albino?

A completely albino rabbit is pure white, with no pigment in their fur or skin. Depending on which genetic type of albinism they have, albino bunnies can have red eyes, or blue eyes. Neither type is a breed in its own right though. Rather, they are both categories of color.

Are albino rabbits aggressive?

Your Albino Rabbit Their coloring doesn’t typically affect their personality, but it can make their eyes more sensitive to sun damage. It can also affect their quality of vision in a way which gives them distinctive mannerisms, or makes them more prone to skittishness.

How long do albino bunnies live?

Florida Whites are generally docile, good-natured, gentle and relaxed rabbits. This breed is generally hardy and healthy. They have an average lifespan of 5 to 8 years.

Are all white bunnies albino?

How big does an albino bunny get?

The fur is white with good density and texture, and they have a compact, meaty body, short neck, and small head. The ideal senior weight for the breed is 5 pounds, with an acceptable range from 4-6 pounds while the junior weighs 2.25-4.5 pounds.

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Can albino rabbits go in the sun?

Albino rabbits are sensitive to sunlight, but otherwise identical to other rabbits. Albinism does not lead to additional health concerns.