
What makes the light bend when it passes near a massive object?

What makes the light bend when it passes near a massive object?

Gravity bends light Light travels through spacetime, which can be warped and curved—so light should dip and curve in the presence of massive objects. This effect is known as gravitational lensing GLOSSARY gravitational lensingThe bending of light caused by gravity .

Which of the following have been used to test the predictions of Einstein’s theory of general relativity?

Albert Einstein proposed three tests of general relativity, subsequently called the “classical tests” of general relativity, in 1916: the perihelion precession of Mercury’s orbit. the deflection of light by the Sun. the gravitational redshift of light.

How does Einstein predict the shift in the orbit of Mercury?

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As Mercury moves toward its perihelion (i.e. closer to the Sun), it moves deeper into the Sun’s gravity well. Its motion into this region of greater curvature of space-time causes the perihelion to advance. Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity predicts exactly the amount of perihelion advance seen in Mercury.

How does starlight deflection happen?

In the absence of a mass, the light follows a straight line from the star to the observer. In the presence of the mass, the light ray is bent, and the light reaches the observer from a slightly different direction.

What did general relativity predict?

Einstein presented his general theory of relativity at the end of 1915 in a series of lectures in Berlin. His theory predicted that a massive object — say, the sun — could distort spacetime nearby enough to bend light from its straight-line course. Distant stars would thus appear not exactly where expected.

What are the predictions of general theory of relativity?

General relativity predicts that the path of light will follow the curvature of spacetime as it passes near a star. This effect was initially confirmed by observing the light of stars or distant quasars being deflected as it passes the Sun.

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What is shifts in the orbit of Mercury?

Mercury’s orbit of the Sun isn’t fixed in space. Every 625 years, the ellipse shifts by 1∘ because of its gravitational interactions with the planets and the Sun.

What is the orbit path of Mercury?

Mercury revolves around the Sun in an elliptical orbit at a mean distance of 58 million km; the orbital period is 88 Earth days or 0.24 Earth years. Its orbit is inclined about 7° to the plane of the Ecliptic which marks the annual path of the Sun among the stars as seen from the Earth.