
What podcasts do baby boomers listen to?

What podcasts do baby boomers listen to?

Baby Boomer Podcasts

  • Feisty Side of Fifty.
  • Repurpose Your Career | Careers for the 2nd Half of Life.
  • Ageing Fearlessly Podcast.
  • Another Day Above Ground.
  • BoomerLife (dot) Live.
  • Boomerangst.
  • Boomer Boulevard Old Time Radio Show.
  • Baby Boomer Tales.

Do boomers listen to podcasts?

Another 48 percent of surveyed Millennials were weekly podcast consumers. Contrarily, only 23 and 17 percent of Boomers and the Greatest Generation (born around the second world war, or before), respectively, listened to podcasts at least weekly.

Where are all the This American Life episodes?

New episodes are free for ten weeks on podcast apps like Apple Podcasts, Radio Public, Stitcher, etc. Our entire archive — all 700+ episodes — is available to stream or download here on our website.

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What podcasts would my grandma like?

Best 25 Grandparent Podcasts

  • The Grand Life | Wholehearted Grandparenting.
  • Adventures with Grammy.
  • From Grandma’s bookshelf.
  • The Cool Grandpa Podcast.
  • Grandparenthood.
  • Grandpa & Chill.
  • Stories from Grandparents.

What podcasts do old people listen to?

19 Best Podcasts for Seniors

  • Podcast #1: Stuff You Should Know.
  • Podcast #2: Planet Money.
  • Podcast #3: Criminal.
  • Podcast #7: How I Built This With Guy Raz.
  • Podcast #8: Radiolab.
  • Podcast #9: Stuff You Missed In History Class.
  • Podcast #10: Ear Hustle.
  • Podcast #11: Freakonomics Radio.

Do boomers listen to the radio?

Not surprisingly, frequent music streaming is highest among GenZ (77\%) and Millennials (68\%), where it surpasses radio, while radio remains ahead among GenX and Boomers, with 50\% and 29\% streaming frequently.

Does Ira Glass live in Chicago?

It’s not yet clear where Glass is heading next, but it might be a while before he lands on the right apartment—after he moved to New York from Chicago in 2007, he didn’t make a permanent real estate purchase for five years, which is when he landed in this Chelsea abode.

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Do old people listen to podcast?

report that showed strong growth in the 55 and older listening crowd to podcasts. from like four million a decade ago. today than were a decade ago. A lot can happen in a decade.

How do I research a podcast?

How to organize research for your podcast episode

  1. First, add any existing notes. You probably know a lot about your chosen topic or guest already.
  2. Save links to articles & news.
  3. Save quotes & data.
  4. Collect video & audio.
  5. Collect important images.
  6. Collect research on the go.
  7. Connect the dots.