
What precautions must be observed when preparing direct fecal smear?

What precautions must be observed when preparing direct fecal smear?

These include:

  • Wear protective safety glasses, gloves and laboratory coat when processing specimens.
  • Use biological safety cabinets as needed.
  • Do not eat, drink, smoke, apply cosmetics or manipulate contact lenses in work area.

How do you stain parasites?

To use the stain, first blood smear slides are prepared and dried with methanol. After this, the slides can be incubated in diluted Giemsa with water, usually at a 1:20 ratio. The slides should be incubated with the stain for about 20 minutes for thin blood smears, or about 50 minutes for thick blood smears.

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How many specimens must be examined before you can report result as negative for amoeba and helminths Why?

These findings indicate that at least three stool specimens should be examined to confirm the presence of intestinal parasites. Even with such practice, it is not possible to guarantee that there is no infestation, but examination of fewer specimens would run a definite risk of false negative results.

What is total fix?

TOTAL- FIX® is a mercury, formalin, and PVA free fixative that preserves parasite morphology and helps with disposal and monitoring problems encountered by laboratories.

Why is direct fecal smear important?

Direct fecal smears are most useful for the diagnosis of protozoal parasites which have motile trophozoite stages that are passed in the feces. As the specimen cools, trophozoites lose their motility and their diagnostic features become less recognizable. In preparing the smear, use saline.

Why is it important that the stool specimen should be properly collected?

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In the field of diagnostic medical parasitology, proper specimen collection is critical since the final laboratory results are based on parasite recovery and identification will depend on the initial quality of the samples taken.

Which stains are commonly used for parasites?

Examination of blood films for parasites includes the use of two common stains, the Giemsa stain and Wright’s stain, both derivatives of the original Romanowsky stain.

What is SAF fixative?

INTENDED USE. Remel SAF (sodium acetate-acetic acid-formalin) Fixative is a liquid medium recommended for use in qualitative procedures for the transportation and preservation of intestinal parasites in stool specimens. Concentration and permanent stained smear procedures can be performed from SAF.

What is the purpose of a stool test?

A stool analysis is a series of tests done on a stool (feces) sample to help diagnose certain conditions affecting the digestive tract. These conditions can include infection (such as from parasites, viruses, or bacteria), poor nutrient absorption, or cancer.

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How can Amoebiasis be prevented?

How can I prevent amebiasis?

  1. Thoroughly wash fruits and vegetables before eating.
  2. Avoid eating fruits or vegetables unless you wash and peel them yourself.
  3. Stick to bottled water and soft drinks.
  4. If you must drink water, boil it or treat it with iodine.
  5. Avoid ice cubes or fountain drinks.

How do you use Para Pak in C&S?

Collect stool sample in a clean dry container or add to orange top vial (Para-Pak C&S). When using the Para-pak C&S/orange top vial, add stool up to red line indicated on vial label. Twist the cap on tight and shake container well. Transport to lab within 30 minutes.

How long does a stool O and P take?

In general, the result of the ova and parasites test are reported within 2 days.