
What prerequisites do you need for discrete mathematics?

What prerequisites do you need for discrete mathematics?


  • MATH 115: College Algebra.
  • or MATH 120: Precalculus.
  • or MATH 210: Calculus I.
  • or MATH 211: Calculus II.
  • or MATH 310: Calculus III: Multivariable Calculus.

Is discrete math needed for computer science?

The mathematics of modern computer science is built almost entirely on discrete math, in particular combinatorics and graph theory. Indeed, at most universities, a undergraduate-level course in discrete mathematics is a required part of pursuing a computer science degree.

What math level do you need for computer science?

Most degrees require some understanding of calculus—many programs require students to reach Calculus III. Typically, computer science degree programs offer abstract algebra, discrete mathematics, graph theory, and other math courses alongside its computer science courses.

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Should I learn discrete math before programming?

Definitely not something that is required before you start learning how to program. Not much really is. Learning high level math will just help you understand how to approach solving problems in a better way that may help you when you are programming something.

Is calculus a discrete math?

Calculus is inherent in every other subject, even discrete structures. Discrete mathematics comes in mind. But calculus is already inherent in discrete mathematics. Combinatorics, set theory or graph theory are usually core elements in a discrete math course.

Is discrete math higher than algebra 2?

Discrete Math A less rigorous math class that doesn’t feel as “mathy”. Does not require a lot of algebra. Is considered above the level of Algebra II, and counts toward an Advanced Diploma. Best for a student who plans to go to college to major in fields other than math, science, engineering, business, or technology.