
What seven wonders of the world is in Turkey?

What seven wonders of the world is in Turkey?

7 Wonders Of Turkey

  • Cappadocia. One of the world’s most famous geological settings, with its fairy chimney formations, sandstone caves, and picture-perfect sunrises.
  • Konya.
  • Kas (Mediterranean Coast)
  • Blue Voyage.
  • Ephesus.
  • Troy Museum.
  • Istanbul.

How many seven wonders are in Turkey?

There are three geographical zones: In the North, 5 wonders are in Greece and Turkey, in the South two are in Egypt and in the East, one is in Iraq. Then one can ask the question: Why are there so many wonders concentrated in the Greek empire?

Does Turkey have a wonder of the world?

Probably the most unusual of all of Turkey’s natural wonders is Cappadocia, a region of mysterious rock formations, troglodyte villages, underground churches and ancient fortresses – all hewn from the soft, porous rock. UNESCO-listed Goreme has over 30 impressively frescoed Byzantine churches open for exploration too.

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What two wonders were in Turkey now?

Seven Wonders of the World

  • Two of the Wonders are in Aegean Turkey:
  • Great Pyramid at Giza (Egypt: still there)
  • Colossus of Rhodes (Greece: gone)
  • Lighthouse (Pharos) of Alexandria (Egypt: gone)
  • The Hanging Gardens of Babylon (Iraq: gone)
  • Statue of Zeus at Olympia (Greece: gone)

Where are the 7 Wonders located?

Map showing the locations of the New7Wonders of the World. The 7 wonders of the world are: Taj Mahal – India. Colosseum – Italy….The 7 Wonders Of The World.

Wonder Date of construction Location
Great Wall of China Since 7th century BCE China
Petra c. 100 BCE Jordan
Christ the Redeemer Opened October 12, 1931 Brazil
Machu Picchu c. AD 1450 Peru

Where are the 7 ancient wonders of the world located?

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Name Date of construction Modern location
Mausoleum at Halicarnassus 351 BC Bodrum, Turkey37.0379°N 27.4241°E
Colossus of Rhodes 292–280 BC Rhodes, Greece 36°27′04″N 28°13′40″E
Lighthouse of Alexandria c. 280 BC Alexandria, Egypt 31°12′50″N 29°53′08″E
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Who chose the 7 wonders of the world?

The new wonders were chosen in 2007 through an online contest put on by a Swiss company, the New 7 Wonders Foundation, in which more than tens of millions of people voted. All are Unesco World Heritage sites.