
What should a substitute teacher do on the first day?

What should a substitute teacher do on the first day?

10 Tips For First Time Substitute Teachers

  • Dress The Part.
  • Arrive Early.
  • Greet The Office Staff Upon Entering.
  • Inquire About Students With Special Needs.
  • Introduce Yourself To The Students In A Fun Way.
  • Set The Ground Rules.
  • Stick With The Lesson Plan.
  • Have Some Extra Activities Ready.

How should a substitute teacher act?

9 Tips To Help Students Behave for a Substitute Teacher

  1. Discuss Expectations.
  2. Follow your Routine.
  3. Give Students an Active Role.
  4. Give Rewards for Good Behavior.
  5. Have The Sub Choose a Secret Student.
  6. Teach Students Social and Emotional Skills.
  7. Teach Students Empathy for the Substitute.
  8. Help Students Recognize their Own Behavior.

Why do students misbehave with substitute teachers?

One reason students misbehave for a substitute is the pacing of the day. This can be because there weren’t enough activities left or there were too many and none were labeled as a top priority.

Can you make a living being a substitute teacher?

“Substitute teachers usually make a daily wage that, at full-time hours, amounts to about $25,000 to $40,000 on average per year,” reports. Do note, though, that this is full time, which you likely won’t be doing at first.

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How do you discipline a substitute student?

Classroom-Management Tips for Substitute Teachers

  1. of 08. Talk to Students Before Class. Thomas Barwick / Iconica / Getty Images.
  2. of 08. Act Like You’re in Control.
  3. of 08. Don’t Get Too Friendly.
  4. of 08. Stay on Top of Discipline.
  5. of 08. Avoid Confrontations.
  6. of 08. Give Praise.
  7. of 08. Keep Students Busy.
  8. of 08. Have Referral Forms Ready.

Should I put substitute teaching on my resume?

The job title should simply be written as “Substitute Teacher”. There is no need to get more specific than this. You don’t need to include the specific grades or subjects that you covered. Schools will understand that you covered a variety of classes.