
What should I know before traveling to Austria?

What should I know before traveling to Austria?

here are 10 things you need to know.

  • Never mention the Sound of Music.
  • Don’t be late.
  • Always say “hi!”
  • For God’s sake, try their desserts!
  • Speak their language.
  • Swim in the lakes.
  • The ski slopes and the sp-ahhh’s.
  • Vienna’s nightlife.

How should we behave appropriately in Austria?

Etiquette in Austria

  1. Greetings are formal.
  2. A quick, firm handshake is the traditional greeting.
  3. Maintain eye contact during the greeting.
  4. Some Austrian men, particularly those who are older, may kiss the hand of a female.
  5. A male from another country should not kiss an Austrian woman’s hand.

How safe is visiting Austria?

OVERALL RISK : LOW Generally, Austria is a very safe country to travel to. According to some sources, Austria is ranked 3rd on the list of safest and most dangerous countries in the world. Still, never let your guard down in a strange country.

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How do Austrians answer the phone?

When answering a phone, state your name and company and offer a greeting like “Guten Morgen”. At a business lunch or dinner, business is only discussed at the invitation of the host. Introductions go a long way in business in Austria, so try and get one from a mutual contact.

Do Austrians kiss on the cheek?

The most common and courteous greeting is the handshake. In business or social settings, one is expected to greet everyone (women, men and children) by shaking hands. Among good friends and family, women may give other women a light hug and kiss. Two kisses are given for each cheek.

Is Austria safe to visit?

OVERALL RISK : LOW Generally, Austria is a very safe country to travel to. According to some sources, Austria is ranked 3rd on the list of safest and most dangerous countries in the world.