
What thing makes up everything in the universe?

What thing makes up everything in the universe?

Complete answer:Everything in this universe is made up of material which is called matter. Matter is composed of atomic and subatomic things (electron, proton and neutron). Matter does not include mass less objects like light, photons and sound.

Are there a finite number of atoms in the universe?

Atoms are limited (i.e. there is a finite number of them) in the observable universe, because the observable universe is finite.

How many atoms make up the world?

According to the US Department of Energy’s Jefferson Lab, the answer is: 133,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That answer comes from an estimation of the number of atoms in each of Earth’s elements, like Iron, Oxygen, Silicon, Magnesium, Sulfur … etc.

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How many possible particles are there in multiple universes?

Going back to the idea that space-time is flat, the number of possible particle configurations in multiple universes would be limited to 10^10^122 distinct possibilities, to be exact. So, with an infinite number of cosmic patches, the particle arrangements within them must repeat — infinitely many times over.

Why can’t we make heavier elements in the universe?

Only once the Universe expands and cools off sufficiently can protons and neutrons bind together to form heavier elements, and that takes time. But by that time, things are so much less dense and energetic that the electric force repelling two helium atoms is so strong that the particles can’t overcome it.

How did the universe become the lumpy entity we see today?

Radiation burst out in every direction, and the Universe was on its way to becoming the lumpy entity we see today, with vast swaths of empty space punctuated by clumps of particles, dust, stars, black holes, galaxies, radiation, and other forms of matter and energy.

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Are there other universes besides our own?

From science fiction to science fact, there is a concept that suggests that there could be other universes besides our own, where all the choices you made in this life played out in alternate realities. The concept is known as a “parallel universe,” and is a facet of the astronomical theory of the multiverse.