
What to reply when someone asks how are your studies going on?

What to reply when someone asks how are your studies going on?

There can be many possible answers:

  • “Very nice. I’m all set to get a Gold medal :p ”
  • “Really! I didn’t know its like a Bus or a Train to come and go.”
  • If you want to represent sincere side of you, just say “Studies are going well. Since it entails hardwork, trying to put all my effort”.

How are your studies going on meaning?

How is your study going? is asking about a particular period of study. For example, if you know that someone is meant to be studying English on a particular day, you are asking about how their study is going now rather than in general. A study can also be a particular research project, so How is your study going?

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How do I tell someone what I want to study?

Tips on talking about your education

  1. Keep it relevant and recent. Highlight aspects of your education that relate to the job and company at hand.
  2. Education = work.
  3. Don’t repeat your resume.
  4. Extracurriculars and certifications count.

How are your studies going or how is your studies going?

No, it’s not correct. “Studies” is plural, so you have to use the plural verb “are”: “How are your studies going?” (By the way, don’t use the singular “study” instead. “Studies” refers to the subjects you’re learning about.

How do you answer How has your education prepared you for your career?

The best approach to answering this question: Focus on the real world applications of your education. If you had classroom projects that tied to real world examples, use them. If you had any type of case studies class, this is usually a good example to use.

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How does your education relate to your career?

You gain knowledge, skills and experience to help you both in your career and in life in general. On top of that, by gaining additional skills in communication and problem solving and achieving your goals, you can also increase your confidence.

Is going good correct?

A: It’s going good. It’s going well. “Is going” is verb. “Good” describes nouns.

Which one is correct study or studies?

Study is singular, “I study English everyday”. Studies is plural, “My language studies are going well”.