
What type of food do Sweden eat?

What type of food do Sweden eat?

10 classic Swedish dishes you must try

  1. Pickled herring – a must at all kinds of Swedish celebrations.
  2. Fried herring – pickled herring’s forgotten cousin.
  3. Kroppkakor – a whole new take on meat and potatoes.
  4. Meatballs with mashed potatoes and lingonberry sauce – every mother’s parade dish.

What is the national dish of Sweden?

Kanelbulle. If Sweden had a national food, it would, without doubt, be the cinnamon bun. It’s hard to avoid these delicious spiced rolls, which can be found in every café, bakery and food shop around the country –simply follow the scent of them baking.

What is a typical lunch in Sweden?

Pea soup and pancakes Most traditional lunch restaurants serve pea soup and pancakes with lingonberry jam or any kind of jam (sylt) on Thursdays.

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What do Swedes drink?

Drinks and brands The main Swedish specialty is brännvin (literally “burn-wine”), liquor distilled from fermented grain or potatoes. Vodka is the highest grade of brännvin, with brands like Absolut Vodka and Explorer Vodka. Brännvin seasoned with herbs is known as akvavit.

Does Sweden have good food?

Swedish Food: 15 Most Popular Dishes to Try in Sweden

  • 1 – Köttbullar – Meatballs.
  • 2 – Räkmacka – Shrimp Sandwich.
  • 3 – Smulpaj – Crumble.
  • 4 – Semla – Sweet Roll.
  • 5 – Falukorv – Falu Sausage.
  • 6 – Ärtsoppa & Pannkakor – Pea Soup & Pancakes.
  • 7 – Sill – Pickled Herring.
  • 8 – Smörgåstårta – Swedish Sandwich Cake.

Do Swedes drink a lot of alcohol?

To sum things up, Swedes have an ambivalent relationship to alcohol and drinking. They often drink either nothing at all or a lot. Alcohol and drinking is a big topic in the Swedish society.

Do Swedes drink alcohol?

With over 42 percent of all alcohol sales in Sweden, the typical Swedish drink recreational of today is a glass of wine. “And a big portion of it is bag-in-box wine”, explains Eva Lenneman, curator at Spritmusuem in Stockholm. “Swedes are in fact the biggest BiB-drinkers in the world”.