
What type of telescope is best for viewing planets and galaxies?

What type of telescope is best for viewing planets and galaxies?

For amateur astronomers, experts recommend using a Dobsonian telescope. “They come in many different sizes, are very simple to set up and use, and give you great views of planets, galaxies, and nebulae,” says Jeffrey Miller, an astronomer at St.

How far can an average telescope see?

If we cheat and get a little help, say with binoculars – you can see magnitude 10 – fainter stars and galaxies at more than 10 million light-years away. With a telescope you can see much, much further. A regular 8-inch telescope would let you see the brightest quasars, more than 2 billion light years away.

What is the best telescope to see planets?

One of the best telescopses to see planets and the moon is: The Celestron NexStar 8SE Telescope offers a multitude of features including the 2032mm focal length and SkyAlign.

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What is the best telescope for beginners?

After spending five months gazing at the stars while testing 10 telescopes, we think that the Celestron NexStar 5SE is the best telescope for beginners. It offers enough power and an efficient amount of gathered light that allows you to see deep-sky objects.

Who makes the best telescopes?

Celestron NexStar 130SLT Refractor Telescope. The Celestron NexStar 130SLT gathers lots of light and has amazing image quality. It’s one of the best telescopes for beginners and also very affordable. The excellent, built-in SkyAlign computer control makes it easy to find and track objects in the sky.

What is the best quality telescope?

The best telescope: Orion 10019 SkyQuest XT1oi Intelliscope

  • The best portable telescope: Celestron 5SE Telescope
  • The best telescope for auto-tracking: Celestron NexStar 130SLT
  • The best telescope on a budget: Celestron Astromaster 130EQ
  • The best telescope for beginners: Celestron AstroMaster 70AZ