
What vegetable seeds can I sow directly in the ground?

What vegetable seeds can I sow directly in the ground?

Plenty of vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers will germinate well when direct-sown….Some easy ones to try are:

  • Sweet peas (sow in March or April)
  • Radishes (sow from February)
  • Sunflowers (sow from March to May)
  • Nasturtium (sow from April to May)
  • Marigolds (sow from February to May)
  • Parsley (sow from March to May)

What seeds are best direct-sown?

Start these seeds indoors. Other heat-loving crops, such as pumpkin, squash, cucumber, beans and melons, thrive when direct-sown after all danger of frost is past. Some flowers, including Sweet Pea, Larkspur and Bachelor’s Buttons, germinate best in cool soil and should be direct-sown early in the growing season.

What are 7 plants that can be directly seeded?

Annual garden flowers that can be direct-seeded into the garden.

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Species Days to germination Final plant spacing
Rose moss (Portulaca grandiflora) 10-15 12″
Creeping zinnia (Sanvitalia procumbens) 10-15 6″
Marigold (Tagetes spp.) 5-7 6-18″ depending on variety
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) 7-12 8-12″

Can you direct sow zucchini?

You can sow zucchini directly outside after your last frost date. Direct sowing like this works just fine, but I prefer to get a bit of a head start by sowing under cover, in the greenhouse, a couple of weeks earlier.

When should I plant my vegetable seeds?

April is the best time to plant most of your vegetable seeds after your last frost. It’s still not too late to plant tomatoes and peppers from seeds as well.

Can you direct sow lettuce?

Lettuce prefers cool weather and will tolerate frost once established. Direct sow seeds as soon as the ground can be worked. Plant seeds 1/4-inch deep and keep soil evenly moist. Thin leaf lettuce varieties to 4-inches apart, cos and loose-head varieties to 8-inches apart, and firm head varieties to 16-inches apart.

What vegetables do not transplant well?

Root crops (carrots, beets, turnips, etc.) are not suited to transplants as the process will damage the root. Corn, cucurbits (squash, cucumbers, melons) and beans/peas don’t like to be transplanted but can be with care.

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Can cucumbers be direct sown?

DIRECT SEEDING: Wait until soil is warm, at least 70°F (21°C). Cucumber seeds will not germinate at a soil temperature below 50°F (10°C). Sow 2 seeds/ft., 1/2″ deep, in rows 6′ apart. DAYS TO MATURITY: From direct seeding; subtract about 10 days if transplanting.

Should seeds be on top of soil?

Grass seeds aren’t strong enough to punch through much soil. They’re meant to be placed on top of loose, prepared soil. Germination can quickly suffer from too much soil on top of them.

Can you sow seeds on top of soil?

So, can topsoil be used to start seeds? No, it is not recommended to use topsoil for starting seeds in containers. Seeds need the right amount of oxygen and moisture for the best chance of germination, and topsoil does not provide the best growing medium that suits these needs.

What are some easy vegetables to direct sow?

13 Easy Vegetables to Direct Sow. Beans: There are generally two types of beans, bush and pole. Pole beans grow long vines and will need support of a pole or trellis. Pole beans continue to produce for a long time until frost. Bush beans produce their crop quicker and all around the same time.

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What are the best vegetables to plant directly from seeds?

Direct Sow Vegetables in the Garden | sowing seeds directly 1 Direct Sow Vegetables in the Garden 2 Green beans (French beans) 3 Cucumbers 4 Carrot 5 Beetroot 6 Chickpeas 7 Ladyfinger 8 Spinach 9 Watermelon 10 Green peas

What are the best vegetables to plant in the fall?

Spinach, beets, carrots, squash radishes, and pea plants are examples of this. It is good to start with some quick-sprouting vegetables, for example, beans, peas, beets, gourds, and turnips. But keep in mind that you should use high-quality seeds in direct sowing.

Are some vegetables easier to grow than others?

Some vegetables are definitely easier than others. The plants on this list don’t require grow lights or heating mats and germinate easily in ordinary garden soil. Leaf lettuce is easy to grow, and, if you’re sure to sow a bit more seed every week or two, you’ll have a constant supply for salads and sandwiches throughout the season.