
What video game has the saddest ending?

What video game has the saddest ending?

10 Saddest Endings In Video Game History, Ranked

  1. 1 Ghost Of Tsushima.
  2. 2 Marvel’s Spider-Man.
  3. 3 To The Moon.
  4. 4 Heavy Rain.
  5. 5 Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons.
  6. 6 The Walking Dead Season One.
  7. 7 Shadow Of The Colossus.
  8. 8 Link’s Awakening.

Is it OK to cry over a video game?

But if we talk about a videogame full of emotional moments and the ending just gets you, yes, it is normal. 4 years ago i cried at the end of Mass Effect 3, not only because it concluded the trilogy, but because the game had some memorable characters.

What is the saddest game ever?

20 Games With The Saddest Storylines, Ranked

  • 8 Gris.
  • 7 This War Of Mine.
  • 6 Always Sometimes Monsters.
  • 5 Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice.
  • 4 Gone Home.
  • 3 What Remains Of Edith Finch.
  • 2 The Last Of Us.
  • 1 Telltale’s The Walking Dead.
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What is the saddest Nintendo game?

10 Nintendo Games Where The Ending Is Darker Than The Story

  • 8 Mario Is Missing.
  • 7 Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers Of Sky.
  • 6 Super Metroid.
  • 5 Pokémon X & Y.
  • 4 Professor Layton & The Unwound Future.
  • 3 Super Mario Galaxy.
  • 2 Drawn To Life: The Next Chapter.
  • 1 Mother 3.

Does Subnautica have multiple endings?

But Subnautica has something else. Unlike the other survival games I’ve tried, it has a beginning, middle, and ending. When it does, though, it’s in one big explosion of alien plasma fire that makes absolutely clear this isn’t just a game about managing hunger, thirst, and oxygen meters.

What makes a game Emotional?

A key component of the emotions we feel during gameplay are the roles that we take during that play. Similarly, during videogame play, there are many images and sounds that a player cannot change, and a player’s response to these aspects of the game are based on her observation.

What is a sad game?

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Play Sad :’) Sad :’) is a simple game which tries to speak solely through its gameplay (with a little hint from its title). Sad :’) is a small arcade game with just one endless level: The gameplay follows 3 simples elements: Stay near the other characters to increase your happiness.