
What was the OSS in Vietnam?

What was the OSS in Vietnam?

The OSS Deer Team was established by the United States Office of Strategic Services on May 16, 1945 to attack and intercept materials on the railroad from Hanoi in central Vietnam to Lạng Sơn in northeast Vietnam with the hope of keeping Japanese military units from entering China.

What tactics did the Viet Minh use?

The Vietcong encouraged a fear amongst the peasants that the Americans and South Vietnamese would take this land back. They would frustrate the Americans by simple tactics: retreating when the enemy attacked; raiding enemy camps; attacking the enemy when they were tired and pursuing the enemy when they retreated.

What was the goal of the Viet Minh?

The Viet Minh recruited Vietnamese citizens with a broad range of beliefs. The group consisted of socialists, communists, nationalists and democrats. Their overarching goal was to assimilate the people in a purely nationalist cause to win independence from France.

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What did the OSS do?

Office of Strategic Services (OSS), agency of the U.S. federal government (1942–45) formed for the purpose of obtaining information about and sabotaging the military efforts of enemy nations during World War II. Many of its functions were later assumed by the Central Intelligence Agency.

What was Viet Minh quizlet?

Vietminh. An organization of Vietnamese Communists and other nationalist groups that between 1946 and 1954 fought for Vietnamese independence from the French. Domino Theory. A theory that if one nation comes under Communist control, then neighboring nations will also come under Communist control.

What did the Geneva accords do to Vietnam?

In July 1954, the Geneva Agreements were signed. As part of the agreement, the French agreed to withdraw their troops from northern Vietnam. Vietnam would be temporarily divided at the 17th parallel, pending elections within two years to choose a president and reunite the country.