
What were the top 10 tourist destinations in 2019?

What were the top 10 tourist destinations in 2019?

Top 10 most visited countries in 2019

  • Thailand (39.7 million tourists)
  • Mexico (44.9 million tourists)
  • Turkey (52.5 million tourists)
  • Italy (64.6 million tourists)
  • China (67.5 million tourists)
  • United States of America (78.7 million tourists)
  • Spain (83.8 million tourists)
  • France (90.3 million tourists)

What is the number 1 tourist destination in the world 2019?

Most visited destinations by international tourist arrivals

Rank Destination International tourist arrivals (2019)
1 France
2 Spain 83.5 million
3 United States 79.3 million
4 China 65.7 million

What is the most popular place in the world 2019?

Hong Kong is world’s most visited city in 2019.

Where is the most visited place on earth?

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Bangkok, the capital of Thailand, is the most visited city in the world thanks to a whopping 22 millions international visitors!

What is the most visited city in the world 2020?

Most visited cities in the world

Rank by Euromonitor City Country
1 Hong Kong Hong Kong
2 Bangkok Thailand
3 London United Kingdom
4 Macau China

Which city had the most visitors in the world in 2019?

1. Bangkok — 22.78 million. Visitors to Bangkok — the most visited city for the fourth year in a row — also spend the third most of any city on the list.

What is the most loved place in the world?

Here are the 10 most popular cities in the world with international visitors.

  1. London, England: 18.82 million international visitors.
  2. Bangkok, Thailand: 18.24 million international visitors.
  3. Paris, France: 16.06 million international visitors.
  4. Dubai, United Arab Emirates: 14.26 million international visitors.