
What will happen when two simultaneous events are observed by the stationary and moving frame of reference?

What will happen when two simultaneous events are observed by the stationary and moving frame of reference?

If two events happen at the same time in the frame of the first observer, they will have identical values of the t-coordinate.

Under what conditions will two events appear to be simultaneous to all observers?

Section Summary. Two events are defined to be simultaneous if an observer measures them as occurring at the same time. They are not necessarily simultaneous to all observers—simultaneity is not absolute. Time dilation is the phenomenon of time passing slower for an observer who is moving relative to another observer.

Do any two observers always agree on simultaneity of events?

Two observers in relative motion will agree that two events are simultaneous: Two observers in relative motion will agree that two events are simultaneous: Never since they are both moving. Always only if they occur at the same time.

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When two observers moving relative to each other measure a time interval or a length they will?

When two observers are in motion relative to each other, each will measure the other’s clock slowing down, in concordance with them being in motion relative to the observer’s frame of reference.

What happens when an event is observed from two different reference frames physics?

The different observations occur because the two observers are in different frames of reference. A frame of reference is a set of coordinates that can be used to determine positions and velocities of objects in that frame; different frames of reference move relative to one another.

Is it possible for two things to happen at the exact same time?

Is it possible for two events happen at the exact same time? No. Even at any one event itself there can be several (or in though-experimental principle even arbitrarily many) distinct participants (encountering and passing each other, momentarily).

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What happens to time and space for observers moving relative to one another at a constant velocity?

If our two observers are stationary relative to each other, they measure the same time. If they are moving at constant velocity relative to each other, however, they measure different times. The observer on the spaceship is present at both locations, so they measure the proper time.

Does motion affect the rate of a clock as measured by an observer moving with it?

1. a) If the observer moves with the clock, the movement does not affect the speed of the clock. According to the relativistic law of addition of velocities, there is no speed greater than the speed of light.

When three things happen at the same time?

The word synchronous is very close in meaning to the verb synchronize, which means to cause multiple things to act at the same time and become synchronous. The noun sync, especially in the form in sync, describes a situation in which multiple things are synchronous.