
When a body makes SHM with an amplitude A at what displacement from mean position its KE PE?

When a body makes SHM with an amplitude A at what displacement from mean position its KE PE?

If a particle is performing S.H.M then at mean position, potential energy will be zero and hence total energy is possessed by only kinetic energy while at extreme position potential energy will be maximum and kinetic energy will be zero.

At which displacement from mean position Ke and PE of SHM are equal?

In a $$SHM$$ kinetic and potential energies becomes equal when the displacement is $$1/\sqrt 2$$ times the amplitude.

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At what displacement from the mean position in SHM The energy is half kinetic and half potential?

Answer: At what displacement from the mean position its energy is half kinetic and half potential. when Kinetic energy is maximum potential energy is zero. when kinetic energy is half of its maximum, potential energy will become other half and both are equal.

At what distance from the mean position the kinetic energy of a particle in SHM becomes equal to its potential energy?

Answer Expert Verified The distance x from its mean position may be specified as: x = A cos (wt+Ф), A is the amplitude and Ф is the phase constant, t is time. NOW, x = A /√2, So, when the body is at 1/√2 th of its amplitude then the PE = KE.

When the amplitude of a body executing SHM becomes twice what happens?

When amplitude A is doubled, then max, acceleration becomes double. When amplitude A is doubled, then the energy of oscillator becomes four times.

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When a body executes simple harmonic motion?

The potential energy (P.E.), the kinetic energy(K.E.) and total energy (T.E.) are measured as function of displacement x.

When the displacement of the particle is half of it amplitude then?

the displacement of a particle is half of the amplitude, the share of the potential energy and kinetic energy are. =25\%T.

At what displacement is the energy half kinetic and half potential?

Learn how to describe simple harmonic motion using one of three sinusoidal equations: displacement, velocity, or acceleration. A spring-block oscillator can help students understand simple harmonic motion. Learn more by exploring the vertical motion, frequency, and mass of a spring-block oscillator.

At what distance from the mean position is the KE of a particle performing SHM of amplitude 8cm three times its potential energy?

At what distance from the mean position is the kinetic energy of a particle. performing S.H.M, of amplitude 8 cm, three times its potential energy? [Ans: 4 cm​