
When a plane is perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP?

When a plane is perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP?

Detailed Solution

S. No. Orientation/Position of line Front view or elevation
1. Line parallel to both H.P. and V.P. True length, parallel to xy
2. Line perpendicular to H.P. True length, perpendicular to xy
3. Line perpendicular to V.P. Point
4. Line inclined at θ to H.P. and parallel to V.P. True length, inclined at θ to xy

When a plane is perpendicular to both HP and VP Its top view will be?

Explanation: As the required plane is perpendicular to both horizontal plane and vertical plane the top view and front view gives a line in projections so only from side which is perpendicular to both the plane as the required plane the object will appear clearly isometric view also will not give vivid picture. 3.

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When the axis of solid is perpendicular to HP and parallel to VP which view should be drawn first?

When the axis of solid is parallel to H.P, V.P then it is indirectly saying that it is perpendicular to picture plane so base is parallel to the profile plane so the projection on to it gives true shape of base and then we can projections of front and top can be drawn.

Is a plane which is perpendicular to both the plane of projection HP & VP *?

Surface of plane is perpendicular to both H.P. and V.P. (i.e., parallel to profile plane).

When the axis of solid is perpendicular to VP the view should be drawn first and view then projected from it?

Explanation: When the axis of solid is perpendicular to V.P it is indirectly saying that the base is parallel to the vertical plane so the projection on to it gives true shape of base and then we can project and find the other dimensions. 5.

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Can a line be perpendicular to both HP and VP?

1. A vertical line (line perpendicular to HP & parallel to VP) 2. Line inclined to both HP & VP.

When a solid is placed such that its axis inclined with both the HP and VP Its projections are drawn in stages?

1. When a solid is placed such that axis is inclined with both the H.P and V.P. Its projections are drawn in __________ stages. Explanation: The stages are i) keeping in simple position, ii) Axis inclined to one plane and parallel to the other, iii) Final position.

When a line is parallel to both HP and VP then?

The projected length on the plane to which it is inclined will always be shorter than the true length. A line is parallel to H.P. and inclined to V.P., its true length will be seen in H.P. i.e. top view.

When the axis of solid is parallel to HP and VP?

Explanation: When the axis of solid is parallel to H.P, V.P then it is indirectly saying that it is perpendicular to picture plane so base is parallel to the profile plane so the projection on to it gives true shape of base and then we can projections of front and top can be drawn. 6.

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When a solid is placed such that axis inclined with the HP and parallel to the VP its projection are drawn in stages?

What is projection projector and plane of projection?

The figure or view formed by joining, in correct sequence, the points at which these lines meet the plane is called the Projection of the object. The lines or rays drawn from the object to the plane are called Projectors. The transparent plane on which the projections are drawn is known as Plane of Projection.