
When the operating point of a transistor is situated in the middle of its active region then the transistor is acting as an?

When the operating point of a transistor is situated in the middle of its active region then the transistor is acting as an?

The Q-point lies in the middle of the line for the transistor which operates as an amplifier. Note: In saturation region, both the collector base region and the emitter-base region are in forward biased and heavy current flow through the junction.

What do you mean by a saturation region B cut off C active region?

The region between cut off and saturation is known as active region. In the active region, collector-base junction remains reverse biased while base-emitter junction remains forward biased. Consequently, the transistor will function normally in this region.

What is the region of operation of the transistor when it is working as an amplifier?

active region
Transistors are turned off while working in the cut-off region and turned on while working in the saturation region. Transistors work as an amplifier while they work in the active region. The main function of a transistor as an amplifier is to enhance the input signal without changing much.

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When transistor is working as a switch it operates in saturation and cutoff region?

When a transistor works as a switch it works in cut-off and saturation regions. In the cut-off state, both emitter-base junction and the collector-base junctions are reverse biased. But in the saturation region, both the junctions are forward biased.

Why operating point must be in the middle of load line?

The operating point is so chosen such that it lies in the active region and it helps in the reproduction of complete signal without any loss. If the operating point is considered near saturation point, then the amplification will be as under.

What is cut off and saturation region?

In cutoff, the transistor appears as an open circuit between the collector and emitter terminals. In the circuit above, this implies Vout is equal to 10 volts. The second region is called “saturation”. This is where the base current has increased well beyond the point that the emitter-base junction is forward biased.

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What is operating point of transistor?

The operating point of a device, also known as a bias point, quiescent point or Q-point, is the steady-state DC voltage or current at a specified terminal of an active device such as a transistor with no input signal applied. If a transistor’s junction temperature is allowed to increase, thermal runaway may occur.