
When two particles are the same they repel each other?

When two particles are the same they repel each other?

Electrical Charge and Repulsion So when the particles are oppositely charged they are attracted towards each other. When they are of the same charge they will repel. The forces of attraction force each other away like two magnets of the same pole (e.g. both North).

What causes particles to attract or repel?

Electric charge is a physical property of particles or objects that causes them to attract or repel each other without touching. opposites attract, so positive and negative particles attract each other. This attraction explains why negative electrons keep moving around the positive nucleus of the atom.

Do oppositely charged particles repel each other?

Oppositely charged objects will exert an attractive influence upon each other. In contrast to the attractive force between two objects with opposite charges, two objects that are of like charge will repel each other. Objects with like charge repel each other.

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Which force causes oppositely charged particles to attract each other?

The electromagnetic force
Electromagnetism causes like-charged objects to repel each other and oppositely charged objects to attract each other. The electromagnetic force binds negative electrons to the positive nuclei in atoms and underlies the interactions between atoms.

How do like charges repel each other?

Like charges repel each other; unlike charges attract. Thus, two negative charges repel one another, while a positive charge attracts a negative charge. The attraction or repulsion acts along the line between the two charges. The size of the force varies inversely as the square of the distance between the two charges.

Can similar charges attract each other?

Yes, when the charge on one body (q1) is much greater than that on the other (q2) and they are close enough to each other so that force of attraction between q1 and induced charge on the other exceeds the force of repulsion between q1andq2.

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How does static electricity attract objects?

This tendency is why we have static electricity. When two objects – such as your hair and the balloon – rub together, one loses some of its electrons to the other. This makes one object positively charged and the other object negatively charged. The opposites then are attracted to each other.