
Where can I find large data sets?

Where can I find large data sets?

11 websites to find free, interesting datasets

  • FiveThirtyEight.
  • BuzzFeed News.
  • Kaggle.
  • Socrata.
  • Awesome-Public-Datasets on Github.
  • Google Public Datasets.
  • UCI Machine Learning Repository.

Where can I find Indian datasets?

Top 10 Indian Government Datasets That You Can Use For Analytics Projects

  • RBI Database Of Indian Economy.
  • Ministry Of Statistics And Programme Implementation Dataset.
  • Gateway To Indian Earth Observation.
  • National Portal of India.
  • Survey Of India.
  • India Weather Data.
  • Aadhaar Metadata.
  • Import Exports Datasets.

What is open source datasets?

Access to high-quality, noise-free, large-scale datasets is crucial for training complex deep neural network models for computer vision applications. Many open-source datasets are developed for use in image classification, pose estimation, image captioning, autonomous driving, and object segmentation.

How do I download datasets from data gov?

Searching and Downloading a dataset from

  1. Enter keywords and search.
  2. Click on the relevant search result. This will take you to the catalog containing that dataset.
  3. Go through pages in the catalog, to find the right dataset.
  4. Download the dataset.
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Where do you source data?

Here are 15 free data sources covering government, health, economics, entertainment, science and social media around the world:

  • 1) Google Scholar.
  • 2) U.S. Census Bureau.
  • 3) European Union Open Data Portal.
  • 4)
  • 5) Google Public Data Explorer.
  • 6) Social Mention.
  • 7) Pew Research Center’s Internet Project.

Where is data for statistics project?

Dataset Sources

  • Academic Torrents.
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics: Data.
  • FRED Economic Data.
  • ICPSR: Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Research.
  • MPC Data Projects.
  • National Center for Education Statistics (NCES)
  • National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI)