
Where can I get a tarot card reader?

Where can I get a tarot card reader?

9 Tips for Choosing a Great Tarot Reader

  1. Learn About the Tarot Reader.
  2. Find a Personal Connection.
  3. Get the Details.
  4. Read Testimonials, Feedback, and Reviews.
  5. Look for Tarot Certification, Association, and Experience.
  6. Ask for Sample Tarot Readings.
  7. Check the Fine Print.
  8. Look for a Code of Ethics.

How do you ask someone for tarot cards?

Easy… use the the words “Me” and “I”… but avoid using he/she, him/her or the other person name if you can help it. Ask things like “what can I do to make my relationship with ______ better” or “What can I do to heal my broken heart?” “How can I find the right person for me?”…things like that.

How much does a tarot reader earn?

Tarot Reader Salaries

Job Title Salary
SelfMade Tarot Reader salaries – 1 salaries reported $20/hr
Companions & Homemakers Tarot Reader salaries – 1 salaries reported $15/hr
PPN Tarot Reader salaries – 1 salaries reported $112/mo Tarot Reader salaries – 1 salaries reported $10/hr
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How do you know if a tarot card is good?

A reliable tarot card reader will have these qualities:

  1. They don’t fish for information.
  2. They focus on the cards.
  3. They don’t point out obvious information.
  4. They don’t claim that you are cursed.
  5. They don’t use dubious methods to gain your business.

What questions can I ask my tarot cards?

Questions for your tarot spread

  • What is the relationship’s current energy?
  • What’s the root cause of the split?
  • What are their true feelings for me right now?
  • What are their intentions to me now?
  • What is the future nature of this relationship?
  • What’s the best step for me to take now?