
Where can I get financial data for European companies?

Where can I get financial data for European companies?

Amadeus is a database of comparable financial and business information on Europe’s largest 560,000 public and private companies by total assets.

How do you find the annual report of a company?

You can often find a company’s annual reports on the company’s own website. Annual reports can generally be found in the area of the company’s website that contains information for investors.

What is Osiris database?

OSIRIS is a fully integrated public companies database with financial information on more than 90,000 listed and major unlisted/delisted companies worldwide. Financial information. The system operates up to a 30-year window for the listed companies. Banks and insurance companies are in specific formats.

Where can I find a company’s annual report UK?

Six libraries in the UK with significant collections of pre-1995 UK company annual reports are:

  • British Library.
  • Guildhall Library.
  • London Business School Library.
  • Manchester University Library.
  • Strathclyde University Library.
  • Warwick University Library.
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How do you calculate a company’s turnover on a balance sheet?

On the balance sheet, locate the value of inventory from the previous and current accounting periods. Add the inventory values together and divide by two, to find the average amount of inventory. Divide the average inventory into COGS to calculate inventory turnover.

How do I access Osiris database?

Start your browser and go to The following login screen will appear. 2. Enter your username and password in the appropriate boxes.

What is the FAME database?

FAME (Financial Analysis Made Easy) contains information for companies in the UK and Ireland. The database contains information on 3.8 million companies, 2.8 million of which are in detailed format. The database also contains information on 4 million inactive companies available for historical research.