
Where can I work with a South African law degree?

Where can I work with a South African law degree?

Possible job titles related to law

  • Administrative lawyer.
  • Advocate.
  • Arbitrator.
  • Attorney.
  • Case manager.
  • Commercial rights manager.
  • Compliance officer.
  • Compliance specialist.

Is South African LLB Recognised in Canada?

If you are a lawyer immigrating to Canada, and you would like to practice law in Canada, you need to arrange for your South African law degree to be recognized by the Canadian government.

What do you need to practice law in Canada?

In order to qualify for bar membership in Canada, you must take either a Bachelor of Laws Degree (L.L.B.) or Juris Doctor (J.D.), which both take three years to complete. Your first year of law school will consist of general courses, such as Constitutional Law, Property Law, Contracts Law, and Criminal Law.

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How difficult are NCA exams Canada?

The exams can be quite challenging, which is supported by an alarmingly high failure rate. According to the 1999-2009 NCA statistics, only 1,708 out of 4,515 applicants — approximately 38 per cent — received certificates of qualification.

Can a South African become a lawyer in Canada?

Now … that factor may be taken into account into any application by a South African to practice law in Canada. Aside from that, Dustin has the most acceptable answer as to the process. Apply for an assessment of your degree from the from the National Committee on Accreditation (NCA).

What are the requirements to become a lawyer in Canada?

The requirements can be divided into 3 types: Passing the NCA exams; Taking courses in specific areas of law at a Canadian law school; or Completing a Canadian common law degree program.

Can I practice law in Canada without a law degree?

In Canada, completion of a law degree alone is not sufficient to permit a candidate to practice law (that is, work as a lawyer). In order to be admitted to the bar in one of the provinces or territories in Canada, you must also write and pass the provincial bar exams and either:

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What is the legal system like in South Africa?

Just for context, I was a recent LLB Graduate from the University of Cape Town, in South Africa, with an Undergrad in Psychology and Sociology B. Soc. Sci. South Africa has a mixed legal system – a hybrid of Roman Dutch civilian law, English common law, customary law and religious personal law.