
Where did the term you are nuts come from?

Where did the term you are nuts come from?

Etymology Online contends that nuts was influenced by the metaphoric application of nut to refer to one’s head. To be off one’s nut dates from 1861 as an expression for “to be insane”. Similarly, one could say “to be out of mind” or “to be out of one’s head”.

When did people start saying nut?

“Nut” has been part of American slang for more than a decade, with the earliest Urban Dictionary entries dating back to 2002. It’s a shortened, cooler-sounding version of the phrase “bust a nut,” which appeared in books as far back as 1960, according to Google Ngram Search.

Is saying nuts offensive?

(1) The word “nuts” when used to characterize a person as crazy is acceptable. In other words, the expressions, “You’re nuts”; “He’s nuts”; or “He’s a nut” may be used. (2) The use of the word “nuts” as an exclamation should not be used, as in the case of “Aw, nuts”, or “Nuts to you”, etc.

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What does going nuts really mean?

Definition of go nuts 1 : to become mentally ill : to become insane She went nuts and started to believe that everyone was trying to kill her. 2 : to act in a way that is wild or out of control because of strong emotion The crowd went nuts when the team won the championship.

Why does bananas mean crazy?

The term going bananas is not as old as one may think, it has its roots on American college campuses in the 1960s. It is believed that the term going bananas is a term that evolved from the idiom going ape, which also means to go crazy, to explode with anger or to erupt with enthusiasm.

Why is a crazy person called nuts?

The noun form “nut,” meaning “crazy person,” may have a different history. By the mid-1800s, nut was slang for head. If someone said you were “off your nut,” that would mean you were crazy. Psychologist Timothy Anderson points out that many recent euphemisms for insanity have sexual connotations.

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What does it mean if a girl calls you a nut?

If someone calls you a nut, or describes you as nuts or nutty, they think you’re crazy or wacky, and when you refer to “a tough nut to crack,” you’re talking about a tricky problem.

Are u nuts means?

If you are nuts about something or someone, you like them very much. If you say that someone goes nuts or is nuts, you mean that they go crazy or are very foolish.

What does go crazy mean?

Definition of go crazy 1 : to become mentally ill : to go insane She went crazy and started to think everyone was trying to kill her. —usually used in an exaggerated way I must be going crazy.

What does it mean to get turned down?

To dismiss, reject, spurn, or refuse someone or something.

What is meaning of apple pie order?

Definition of in apple-pie order informal. : arranged neatly or perfectly : in perfect order Everything in the cupboard was (arranged) in apple-pie order.

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Is going bananas offensive?

Going bananas means going crazy, becoming insane. It may als0 mean to go wild with anger, or to erupt with enthusiasm with accompanying cheering. For a brief time in the 1930s the term going bananas referred to someone who was sexually perverted, but that meaning has long fallen by the wayside.