
Where did the word Sot originate from?

Where did the word Sot originate from?

sot (n.) late Old English sott “stupid person, fool,” from Old French sot, from Gallo-Roman *sott- (probably related to Medieval Latin sottus, c. 800), of uncertain origin, with cognates from Portugal to Germany. Surviving meaning “one who is stupefied with drink” first recorded 1590s.

What does SOT mean in Britain?

British Dictionary definitions for sot (1 of 2) sot 1. / (sɒt) / noun. a habitual or chronic drunkard. a person stupefied by or as if by drink.

What is sot Urban Dictionary?

sot: An offensive term for one who drinks habitually, (drunkard).

What type of word is sot?

stupid person; fool. drunkard.

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What is sot insult?

A sot is someone who frequently drinks too much alcohol. If you see someone stumbling out of a bar in the middle of the day, you might be tempted to describe him as a sot. Sot is a somewhat old-fashioned word for a heavy drinker, also known as a lush or a wino. It’s also considered insulting and derogatory.

What does sot a stand for?

A SOT-A (Special Operations Team-Alpha) is a signals intelligence–electronic warfare (SIGINT-EW) element of the United States Army Special Forces.

What does Sot stand for in medical terms?

SOT stands for Sacro Occipital Technique (or Technic). “Sacro” means “related to, or associated with, the sacrum.” The sacrum is the foundation for the spine.

What does it mean when you call someone a sod?

If someone calls another person or something such as a job a sod, they are expressing anger or annoyance towards that person or thing. [British, informal, rude, disapproval]

What does Sot stand for in the military?

What does Sot mean in English?

English Language Learners Definition of sot. old-fashioned : a person who is often drunk. See the full definition for sot in the English Language Learners Dictionary. Comments on sot.

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What does the Gun Mean to the old Sot?

— Andrea Nguyen, Los Angeles Times, 4 Sep. 2019 To this old sot, the gun represents some kind of high hilarity.

What is the meaning of derogatory words?

English Language Learners Definition of derogatory : expressing a low opinion of someone or something : showing a lack of respect for someone or something : expressing a low opinion of a person or thing a derogatory remark

What does derogatory mean on a credit report?

Derogatory is increasingly seen today in credit reports, although it should not be taken as a credit card company making unkind comments on the character of the cardholder. In this context it refers to something (such as a late payment, foreclosure, or bankruptcy) that will have a negative effect on a person’s credit score.