
Where does current go from neutral wire?

Where does current go from neutral wire?

Neutral wire carries the circuit back to the original power source. More specifically, neutral wire brings the circuit to a ground or busbar usually connected at the electrical panel. This gives currents circulation through your electrical system, which allows electricity to be fully utilized.

Is the neutral wire the return path?

In Transmission systems the return path is the neutral i (for AC) and the -ve terminal (for DC). we cannot say it as ground technically,ground is used extensively in electronic circuits to refer the common return path . Note that Neutral and Earth are separate.

Where does the neutral come from on a transformer?

The neutral point of the system is at the center-tap on the secondary side of the service transformer. That’s where your neutral wire comes from.

Does current flow through the neutral wire?

yes. without a neutral a single phase is not complete. a neutral completes a single phase circuit. For an electric current to flow through, the current needs a power source and a return path.

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What is current return path?

What is a current return path? It is a path through which electrons flow from a voltage or current source. The ‘source’ of electrons is the point where they enter into the circuit. And the point where electrons leave an electrical circuit is called the ‘return’ or ‘ground.

Which of the following wire is used to give return path for the current?

neutral wire
Its distinguishing feature is that the earth (or sometimes a body of water) is used as the return path for the current, to avoid the need for a second wire (or neutral wire) to act as a return path.

Why there is current in neutral?

The neutral wire in a circuit carries the same current as the hot wire. Current goes out to the load and must return. That’s why the neutral wire must be the same size.

What is neutral return?

The neutral is the return path back to earth after the electricity travels thru the load. ( light, motor, computer….) With no load, there is no potential (voltage) on the neutral under normal circumstances.