
Where exactly is Vaikuntha located?

Where exactly is Vaikuntha located?

The Vaikuṇṭha planets begin 26,200,000 yojanas (209,600,000 miles) above Satyaloka. In most of the extant Puranas and Vaishnava traditions, Vaikuntha is located in the direction of the Makara Rashi which coincides with the constellation of Capricorn.

Who can go to Vaikuntha?

Even birds and the beasts can go to Sri Vaikuntha, if someone does the act of surrender on their behalf. The Jiva is denoted by common nouns such as animal, bird, plant, tree and man.

What are the 7 gates of Vaikuntha?

Seven entrances or seven doors are a reference to the mystical plexuses or lotuses of yoga – the muldhara, svadhisthana, manipura, anahata, visuddha, ajna, and sahasrara. It is only after one has gone through each one of these lotuses that the Lord is seen.

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How many incarnations of Sri Krishna are there?

Sri Krishna has unlimited forms. Srimad Bhāgavatam compares the innumerable incarnations of the Lord to the rivulets flowing from inexhaustible sources of water. avatārā hy asaṅkhyeyā: It is not possible to count.

Does Lord Vishnu incarnate in person?

On such occasions, he does not incarnate in person, but manifests only certain aspects of him. Vaishnava tradition recognizes ten chief incarnations of Lord Vishnu, known as Dasavatara or Dasavataram. There is no unanimity among scholars about them.

What is the incarnation of Varaha?

The incarnation of Varaha comes third in succession (second according to Garuda Purana) , in which Maha Vishnu lifted the submerged earth from the bottom of the cosmic ocean with his tusks in the body of a wild boar. Varaha means not only a boar but also a rain cloud, a brahmana priest (angirasas) and the bringer of auspicious tidings.

What does it mean to be incarnated in Hinduism?

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Especially, it refers to descent from the highest, immortal heaven into the mortal world or the earth. Hindus believe that Isvara (God) in his aspect as Lord Vishnu, incarnates upon earth from time to time, fully or partially, as a part of his duty to protect dharma, destroy evil and restore the balance between the competing forces of creation.