
Where is flight fuel tank located?

Where is flight fuel tank located?

Placement. On passenger planes, fuel tanks are often integrated into the wings, and when there are also tanks inside the body of the aircraft, the wing tanks are used preferentially. The placement reduces the stress on the wings during takeoff and flight, by putting the heavy fuel directly inside the source of lift.

How much fuel does a Spitfire hold?

Total internal capacity: 161 gallons; total fuel load: 285 gallons (oil capacity was also increased to 20 gallons).

Where are fuel tanks on 747?

The new 747-8, like its predecessor, the 747-400, carries about 3,300 gallons of fuel in the horizontal part of the tail.

How much is a Spitfire car worth?

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A: The average price of a Triumph Spitfire is $9,027.

How is a Spitfire engine cooled?

The first ground run occurred on 15 October 1933 and first flew on 21 February 1935. It had been intended to utilise the evaporative cooling system but was replaced by the more reliable ethylene glycol liquid cooling system developed in the United States.

How many gallons of fuel does a Spitfire hold?

A variety of external fuel tanks were fitted to the Spitfire over its wartime career – 30 gal c/l slipper tank 90 gal c/l tank (used by Malta Spitfires: one-way transit range approx 800 miles) 170 gal c/l tank

How far can a spit IX fly with a drop tank?

Some serious range in those Spit IX’s with drop tanks, 1350 miles! Basically it would be quite obvious that the plane would be unstable when heavily loaded with fuel and drop tanks. You should always burn off the fuel in the drop tanks and rear tank first.

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How fast did Spitfires fly in WW2?

The 100-octane fuel that resulted from the Houdry Process increased the Spitfire’s speed by 25 mph at sea level by 34 mph at 10,000 feet. This extra speed gave the British fighters in the summer of 1940 the edge over the Luftwaffe above the English Channel and in the skies of London and south-east England.

What was the fuel capacity of the Seafire L Mk IIC?

I have a British reference that states that the Seafire L Mk IIc had a fuel capacity of 85 Imperial gallons (386 liters) plus provisions for an auxiliary tank of 30 Imp gallons (136 liters). What’s that in American?