
Where is maximum velocity in open channel?

Where is maximum velocity in open channel?

Maximum velocity in a channel section often occurs below the water surface.

Where does the maximum velocity occur in a flow through a circular tube?

For a fully developed laminar viscous flow through a circular pipe, the maximum velocity is equal to twice the average velocity. Point to be remembered: For the fully developed laminar flow through the parallel plates, the maximum velocity is equal to the (3/2) times of the average velocity.

Where does maximum velocity occur in a river?

Stream velocity is greatest in midstream near the surface and is slowest along the stream bed and banks due to friction.

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Where does open channel flow takes place?

The flow in an open channel takes place due to gravity that is achieved by providing a bed slope. The flow of liquid through the open channel can be of several types like steady and unsteady flow, laminar or turbulent flow or uniform or non-uniform flow and finally sub-critical, critical and supercritical flow.

Which is the most efficient channel section?

The corre- sponding cross section will be the most efficient cross section. A circle has the least perimeter for a given area of any geometric shape. Semi-circular open channel will discharge more water than any other shape (assuming that the area, slope and surface roughness are the same).

What is the ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity when flow is laminar?

For turbulent flow, the ratio is related to Reynolds number. Whereas, the average velocity in fully developed laminar pipe flow is one half of the maximum velocity.

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What is the ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity when the fluid is passing?

Ratio of maximum velocity to average velocity is 2.

Why is the maximum velocity not at the surface of a open channel flow?

Henderson, Open channel flow, 1966, pp. 88-90), maximum flow-velocity “often” occurs-not at the free-surface. This phenomenon because of formation and action of the “secondary currents” means circulating currents in the plane of the cross-section.

Does the max velocity always occur at the water surface?

The max velocity always occur almost at the water surface. but in every cases? It is possible (but not always the case), it usually occurs near the free-surface flow due to external effects, such as the wind effect.