
Which action can lead to unintentional injury?

Which action can lead to unintentional injury?

Unintentional injuries are preventable, and can be caused by falling, motor vehicle crashes, unintentional drug overdose, fire and fireworks, and drowning, among other causes.

What are examples of unintentional injury?

Some of the most common types of unintentional injuries in the United States include: motor vehicle accidents, suffocation, drowning, poisoning, fire/burns, falls and sports and recreation [2].

What factors contribute to unintentional injuries?

Risk factors that are associated with unintentional nonfatal injuries in young children include individual characteristics of children (age, gender, temperament/behavior), the family environment (socioeconomic status, family structure, siblings, parental characteristics, child care arrangements), and community and …

What are the top 5 unintentional injuries?

These include road traffic injuries (RTIs), poisonings, falls, burns, and drowning (figure 39.1).

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What are the 4 unintentional injuries in the home?

Specific home injury issues include falls among older adults, poisonings among middle-aged adults, fire/burn injuries among older adults and children, and inhalation/suffocation and drowning among young children. In addition, recommendations are presented for improvements to the NVSS.

What are the common causes of intentional and unintentional injuries?

The 5 leading external causes of injury deaths comprise 3 unintentional (motor vehicle traffic crashes, poisoning, and falls) and 2 intentional (suicide and homicide) or violence-related categories. They account for more than four fifths of all such deaths nationally.

How can unintentional injuries be prevented?

Install safety devices in your home, such as smoke detectors, carbon monoxide detectors, safety locks on cabinets and toilet lids, handrails, and fire extinguishers. Maintain heating equipment. Unplug extra heaters when sleeping. Keep electrical appliances unplugged when not in use.

What are the main causes of injuries?

The numerous causes of injury include:

  • Acts of violence by others.
  • Bicycle or motor vehicle accidents.
  • Bite or sting injuries.
  • Burns (thermal, chemical or electrical)
  • Drowning.
  • Falls, impacts.
  • Overuse and repetitive motion injuries.
  • Poisonings and chemical exposures.
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What are the main causes of accidents?

Following are eight of the most common causes of accidents in the workplace:

  • Lifting.
  • Fatigue.
  • Dehydration.
  • Poor Lighting.
  • Hazardous Materials.
  • Acts of Workplace Violence.
  • Trips and Falls.
  • Stress.

How can injury be prevented?

To reduce the risk of injury:

  1. Take time off.
  2. Wear the right gear.
  3. Strengthen muscles.
  4. Increase flexibility.
  5. Use the proper technique.
  6. Take breaks.
  7. Play safe.
  8. Do not play through pain.

Are unintentional injuries preventable?

Unintentional injuries are those that occur by virtue of some external factor and are often seen as “accidental.” Despite what some may say, most unintentional injuries are, like intentional injuries, preventable.