
Which animal would you like to keep as a pet answer?

Which animal would you like to keep as a pet answer?

In my opinion i would like to have a dog as my pet because other than it’s kindness, it can guard our house nd protects us from unknown persons when it’s mature. Dogs belong to different breeds like of a Aggresive breed or a playful breed.

What animals can be tamed in real life?

16 Wild Animals That Are Becoming Domesticated Pets

  • 16 Wild Animals That Are Becoming Domesticated Pets. iStock.
  • Wallabies. iStock.
  • Prairie dogs. iStock.
  • Foxes. iStock.
  • Genets. Shutterstock.
  • Fennec foxes. iStock.
  • Minks. iStock.
  • Sugar gliders. iStock.

What is the most tamed animal in the world?

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The capybara is by far the friendliest animal in the world despite its intimidating size. These semi-aquatic animals are highly social, gentle, and friendly. Native to South and Central America, it’s the largest rodent in the world, weighing up to 65kg. They live in large groups, and have a lifespan of up to 12 years.

Which animal can be tamed and used to do every work?

Draft animals can be tamed and used to do heavy works.

What animals we can keep as pets?

Here are some pets that are perfect for your child.

  • Dogs. The default choice of pet for every household across the world, dogs, are adored by most.
  • Cats. Cats are adorable, and can easily blend in well with the rest of the family.
  • Birds.
  • Fish.
  • Hamsters.
  • Ants.
  • Guinea Pigs.
  • Mice.

What animal can’t be tamed?

Hippopotamuses The hippopotamus is considered to be one of the most dangerous animals in the world. They actually kill more humans yearly than lions, leopards, buffaloes, elephants, and rhinos combined. This makes it obvious to see why we never managed to domesticate them.

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What needs of animals should we take care of?

Every animal in the world needs to be taken care by providing them food, shelter and veterinary care. The behavior of most of the domestic animals is mainly observed by how we treat them. If we treat them with good care, love and compassion, they will definitely show the same love and respect towards us.

How animals are useful to humans?

Human uses of animals (non-human species) include both practical uses, such as the production of food and clothing, and symbolic uses, such as in art, literature, mythology, and religion. Animals serve as models in biological research, such as in genetics, and in drug testing.