
Which Colour of the ring indicates 10\% tolerance of a resistor?

Which Colour of the ring indicates 10\% tolerance of a resistor?

Standard Resistor Values and Color

Color Digit Tolerance (\%)
Grey 8
White 9
Gold 5
Silver 10

What is the tolerance of a 10 ohm resistor?

Brown, Black, Black, Gold

Band Value
2nd Black 0
3rd Black 1
4th gold +-5\%
10 Ohm tolerance: +-5\%

What is Colour code of 100ohm 10 \%?

4-band 100 ohm resistor color code is calculated as: 2nd-band= Black= 0 (2nd digit) 3rd-band= Brown= 1 (multiplier) = 10^1 = 10.

What color is a 1k resistor?

Brown, Black, Red, Gold

Band Value
1st Brown 1
2nd Black 0
3rd Red 100
4th gold 5\%

What is the tolerance of a 3 band resistor?

As the 3-band resistor has no fourth tolerance band, the default tolerance is taken to be at 20\%.

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What is the color code for a 5kω tolerance 5\% resistor?

Gold signifies that the tolerance is ±5\%, so the real resistance could lie anywhere between 4,465 and 4,935 ohms.

What are the color codes for a 470K ohm resistor?

Technical Specifications

Resistance 470K ohm
Tolerance 5\%
Color Code Yellow / Violet / Yellow / Gold
Type Carbon Film
Voltage Maximum Operating 350V

What is tolerance of a resistor?

Tolerance is the percentage of error in the resistor’s resistance, or how much more or less you can expect a resistor’s actual measured resistance to be from its stated resistance. A gold tolerance band is 5\% tolerance, silver is 10\%, and no band at all would mean a 20\% tolerance.