
Which ecosystem has the highest net primary productivity per unit area?

Which ecosystem has the highest net primary productivity per unit area?

The highest net primary productivity in terrestrial environments occurs in swamps and marshes and tropical rainforests; the lowest occurs in deserts.

What is the difference between standing biomass and net primary productivity?

Biomass is the living (and sometimes including recently dead) organic material synthesized by plants and other organisms. Net primary productivity (NPP) represents the difference between gross photosynthesis of plant foliage and energy losses due to respiration and mortality of plant tissues.

What is high net primary productivity?

Net primary productivity, or NPP, is gross primary productivity minus the rate of energy loss to metabolism and maintenance. In other words, it’s the rate at which energy is stored as biomass by plants or other primary producers and made available to the consumers in the ecosystem.

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What is net primary productivity of an ecosystem?

Net primary productivity is s the difference of the energy that’s fixed by the autotrophs and their own respiration losses. It is the rate at which an ecosystem accumulates energy or biomass, excluding the energy it uses for the process of respiration.

What ecosystems have the least amount of productivity per unit area?

Globally, patterns of primary productivity vary both spatially and temporally. The least productive ecosystems are those limited by heat energy and water like the deserts and the polar tundra. The most productive ecosystems are systems with high temperatures, plenty of water and lots of available soil nitrogen.

Which ecosystem has the highest net primary productivity per unit area quizlet?

How is it that the open ocean produces the highest net primary productivity of Earth’s ecosystems, yet net primary productivity per square meter is relatively low? Oceans contain greater concentrations of nutrients compared to other ecosystems. Oceans receive a greater amount of solar energy per unit area.

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What is biomass productivity?

Biomass productivity is determined by dividing the biomass per unit area by the age of the forest ecosystem. The mature standing crop in a natural ecosystem will range from 4-500 or more tons per hectare and annual dry matter production from 0.1–7.5 tons per hectare. …

What units are used to measure primary productivity?

Primary productivity is usually determined by measuring the uptake of carbon dioxide or the output of oxygen. Production rates are usually expressed as grams of organic carbon per unit area per unit time.

What biomes have high NPP and why?

Main points

  • Tropical rain forests have high NPP and the highest biodiversities of any terrestrial ecosystems.
  • In rain forests, plants have constant high levels of water and light (at canopy level) and the nutrient supply is as high as possible, due to rapid decomposition.

Which biome has highest net primary productivity?

Tropical forests have the highest biodiversity and primary productivity of any of the terrestrial biomes.

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Which type of ecosystem accounts for most of the net primary productivity on Earth even though it has a low average net primary productivity?

Explanation: The open oceans account for most of the net primary productivity on the planet even though they have one of the lowest average net primary productivities which cover by far the most area on earth.