
Which few qualities must a person have to be selected in the Indian Army?

Which few qualities must a person have to be selected in the Indian Army?

Character and Leadership Development. (a) Foster honour, integrity, devotion to duty, selflessness, loyalty, discipline and team spirit.

  • Physical Development. (a) Achieve high standards of mental and physical fitness and ability to withstand protracted stress.
  • Military Development.
  • Intellectual Development.
  • What motivates you to join Indian Army?

    Conclusion – All above points are the main reasons of why someone want to join the Armed Forces. Your family background, discipline, respect and honour, facilities for family, adventure at every step and most crucial, serving the Motherland can be a reason of why you decided to join the Armed Forces.

    What should I do to choose in Indian Army?

    For a Permanent commission you have to join the National Defence Academy or the Indian Military Academy. You can take the NDA entrance exam right after class XI. Clear the UPSC exam and a 5-day Service Selection Board interview, pass your medicals, and you’re in NDA.

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    What is the duty of Major in Indian Army?

    A Major is responsible for various strategic roles and he commands & directs a military unit. His role is very challenging as every soldier in his unit follows his order. So, he should be very sharp, intelligent and quick decision maker.

    Can I study after joining Indian army?

    You can pursue your academic studies even after joining Indian army. You can always apply for the higher studies if you are a soldier and wish to be promoted to officers rank.

    Is it hard to get into Army?

    But today, more than two-thirds of America’s young people wouldn’t qualify for military service because of physical, behavioral, or educational problems. The services have long required at least a high-school education as a prerequisite for joining. Minimum 33 score on Armed Forces Qualification Test.

    What is the army looking for in its officers?

    As a result 13 character strengths were selected as the most important for military officers and their leadership. These were in ranked order: leadership, teamwork, open-mindedness, integrity, persistence, bravery, curiosity, love of learning, social intelligence, fairness, perspective, creativity and self-regulation.

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    What does the army look for in an officer?

    Presence: For Army officers, presence means military and professional bearing, fitness, confidence and resilience. Officers who spend a lot of time out in the field need to be in top physical condition, said Master Sgt. Kevin Brown, who serves in the armor branch.