
Which form of verb is used with neither nor?

Which form of verb is used with neither nor?

When neither and nor link singular terms, the verb is singular: Neither the car nor the truck is available. When neither and nor link a singular term and a plural one, put the plural term second and use a plural verb: Neither the car nor the trucks are available.

Which verb is used after neither of?

You use neither of before a plural noun or pronoun. In formal speech and in writing, you use a singular verb: Neither of the answers is right. In speech and informal writing, people sometimes use a plural verb: Neither of the answers are right.

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Which is correct neither one of us is or neither one of us are?

Informal: Neither of us is / are correct. Formal: Neither of us is correct. Informal: Neither of them is / are wrong.

What is a singular verb?

A singular verb is one that has an s added to it in the present tense, such as writes, plays, runs, and uses forms such as is, was, has, does. A plural verb does not have an s added to it, such as write, play, run, and uses forms such as are, were, have and do. E.g.

When either or neither are followed by or and nor the verb may be singular or plural depending on what and give the example?

When “or” or “nor” joins two things, use a singular verb if both things are singular. However, if one of the things is plural, use a plural verb. For example: Shortbread or cake is on offer.

When to use neither/nor or either or?

Use the either-or and neither-nor pairs to refer to the one or the other of two alternatives. Either-or affirms each of two alternatives, while neither-nor simultaneously negates them. Either my mother or my father will call. Neither the pizza nor the ice-cream is here.

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Is there or after neither nor?

Neither the first nor the second, fourth or fifth versions of the original, written in Latin (the language of science at the time) have survived until our time[, but fortunately a battered copy of the third edition shows…] So, if you use the singular ‘version’, use ‘has’; if you use the plural ‘versions’, use ‘have’.

Is one half singular or plural?

Most collective nouns do tend to be invariably singular in American English. Those that, like number, vary according to circumstance include words like percentage and any fraction—one-third (or a third), one-half (or half), two-thirds, etc.