
Which game has most number sequels?

Which game has most number sequels?

Here are the video games with the most sequels!

  • Mario – 119 games.
  • Mega Man – 103 games.
  • Sonic – 80 games.
  • Final Fantasy – 80 games.
  • Pokemon – 59 games.
  • Dragon Quest – 43 games.
  • Castlevania – 35 games.
  • Resident Evil – 32 games.

What video game series has the most lore?

10 Game Franchises With The Best Lore

  1. 1 The Elder Scrolls. Nothing compares to the sheer amount of content created by Bethesda in its most well-known series of all: The Elder Scrolls.
  2. 2 Dark Souls. via Steam.
  3. 3 Dragon Age.
  4. 4 The Witcher.
  5. 5 Mass Effect.
  6. 6 NieR.
  7. 7 Fallout.
  8. 8 The Legend of Zelda.

What is the biggest gaming franchise in the world?

By a long shot, the best-selling video game franchise is Pokémon, with revenue of about $90 billion. Not only is it the biggest video game franchise, but it’s also the highest-grossing media franchise in general.

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What video game has the most releases?

The best-selling video game to date is Minecraft, a sandbox game released by Mojang in May 2009 for a wide range of PC, mobile and console platforms, selling more than 200 million copies across all platforms.

What video game has the most installments?

Top 10 Fourth Installments In Video Games

  1. #1: “Resident Evil 4” (2005)
  2. #2: “Super Mario World” (1990)
  3. #3: “Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare” (2007)
  4. #4: “Grand Theft Auto IV” (2008)
  5. #5: “Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots” (2008)
  6. #6: “The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion” (2006)
  7. #7: “Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag” (2013)

What game has the most confusing lore?

The 10 Most Complicated Stories In Video Game History

  1. 1 Beyond: Two Souls. This game was hard to follow on purpose.
  2. 2 Gears Of War. Gears of War is another series that should have been easy to follow.
  3. 3 Assassin’s Creed.
  4. 4 Bloodborne.
  5. 5 Deadly Premonition.
  6. 6 Destiny.
  7. 7 Death Stranding.
  8. 8 Metal Gear Solid.
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What series has the most video games?

The 10 Biggest Gaming Franchises, Ranked By Number Of Titles

  1. 1 Mario (115 Games)
  2. 2 Mega Man (100 Games)
  3. 3 Sonic (80 Games)
  4. 4 Final Fantasy (75+ Games)
  5. 5 Pokémon (55+ Games)
  6. 6 Dragon Quest (40+ Games)
  7. 7 Castlevania (35+ Games)
  8. 8 Resident Evil (30+ Games)