
Which grade concrete is best for roof?

Which grade concrete is best for roof?

Concrete mix ratio for roof slab As we know that roof slab is RCC structure so we can use minimum grade of M20 grade and concrete mix ratio 1:1.5:3 for roof slab & maximum grade of concrete m25, M30 and much higher are used as per design for roof slab.

Which grade of concrete is used for residential buildings?

Standard concrete and concrete of grade M20 is applicable for Reinforced Cement Concrete (RCC) works for slabs, beams, columns and so on. The high strength concrete has its applications for high rise buildings.

What is the strength of M10 concrete?

Different types of concrete grades and their uses

Concrete Grade Mix Ratio (cement : sand : aggregates) Compressive Strength
M5 1 : 5 : 10 725 psi
M7.5 1 : 4 : 8 1087 psi
M10 1 : 3 : 6 1450 psi
M15 1 : 2 : 4 2175 psi
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Which grade is used for slabs?

Difference between ordinary concrete slabs and concrete slab on grade:

Grade on Slab Ordinary Concrete Slab
Minimal usage of formwork. Batter boards are used at corners of slab It requires props and supports to cast.
The thickness of slab is increased at the edges of slab. (perimeter) Ordinary slab has uniform thickness

Which grade of cement is used for column?

53 Grade OPC cement is recommended in all RCC structures like footing, column, beam and slabs, where ever initial and ultimate strength is the major structural requirement. 43 Grade OPC Cement is recommended for plastering ,tiling , masonry works, Non-RCC structures, pathways etc.

What concrete grade is used for slabs?

M-40 grade is used for Pre-stressed concrete work, slabs, beams, column, footing etc. M-45, M-50 grades are used for RCC, Runways, Concrete Roads( POQ ) Prestressed concrete girders, RCC columns, Prestressed beams etc. M-55 grade is used for Pre-stressed concrete girders and piers etc.