
Which grade of cement is not available in Indian market?

Which grade of cement is not available in Indian market?

Ordinary Portland Cement 33 Grade Yet, this type of cement is less available in the markets. It is given the Indian Standard code of 269.

Where can ordinary Portland cement be used?

general construction purposes
Uses of Ordinary Portland Cement It is used for general construction purposes where special properties are not required such as reinforced concrete buildings, bridges, pavements, and where soil conditions are normal.

Is OPC banned?

The Lagos State Commissioner of Police said: “The OPC is an unconstitutional organization, therefore one shouldn’t really deal with them. No law established it. There is a federal government ban, therefore we can’t contradict it, but there is no law.”

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What is the latest is code of ordinary Portland cement?

269 : 1989
IS Code – IS 269 : 1989 for Ordinary Portland Cement, 33 Grade….1. OPC 33 Grade Cement.

a) 72 +/- 1 hour Not less than 16 N/mm2
b) 168 +/- 2 hours Not less than 22 N/mm2
c) 672 +/- 4 hours Not less than 33 N/mm2

What type of cement is used in India?

Various Types of Cement
Sr. No Types Reference Indian Standard
1 Ordinary Portland Cement 33 Grade IS:269
2 Ordinary Portland Cement 43 Grade IS:8112
3 Ordinary Portland Cement 53 Grade IS:12269

Where is Portland cement made?

To make Portland cement, clay, shale and limestone is ground to a powder and baked in a kiln. The baked mixture forms clods (clinkers), which are then ground up and mixed with gypsum. Most of the raw materials are mined in open pits. Michigan traditionally ranks in the five states in terms of cement production.

Is 1489 a grade of Ultratech Cement?

Since IS: 1489 (part I) is formulated to give strength of the order of 33- MPa only, the marking 43- MPa/53- MPa on cement bags is misleading as the consumer can not reject the consignment in the case of lower strength.

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Why PPC Cement has no grade?

There are no grades in PPC or in any other type of cement. 43 S grade and 53 S grade of cement are used in Railway Engineering for manufacture of sleepers. Here, S stands for Sleepers. OPC 33 grade, 43 grade and 53 grade cements are used for General purpose engineering such as building construction.

What is ordordinary Portland cement (OPC)?

Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) is manufactured in the form of different grades, the most common in India being Grade-53, Grade-43, and Grade-33.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of ordinary portland cement?

Advantages of Ordinary Portland Cement. It has great resistance to cracking and shrinkage but has less resistance to chemical attacks. Initial setting time of OPC is faster than PPC so it is recommended in projects where props are to be removed early. Curing period of OPC is less than PPC and curing cost reduces.

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What is the difference between ordinary portland cement and pozzolana cement?

The Portland Pozzolana Cement makes concrete more impermeable and denser as compared to Ordinary Portland Cement. The long-term strength (90 days and above) of Pozzolana cement is better compared to OPC.

What are the raw materials of Portland cement?

The principal raw materials used in the manufacture of Ordinary Portland Cement are: Argillaceous or silicates of alumina in the form of clays and shales. Calcareous or calcium carbonate, in the form of limestone, chalk and marl which is a mixture of clay and calcium carbonate.