
Which instruction should the nurse give to a patient who is scheduled for a fasting blood glucose test?

Which instruction should the nurse give to a patient who is scheduled for a fasting blood glucose test?

Fasting blood sugar (FBS) For a fasting blood sugar test, do not eat or drink anything other than water for at least 8 hours before the blood sample is taken. If you have diabetes, you may be asked to wait until you have had your blood tested before you take your morning dose of insulin or diabetes medicine.

What is the general approach to the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus?

Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) require lifelong insulin therapy. Most require 2 or more injections of insulin daily, with doses adjusted on the basis of self-monitoring of blood glucose levels.

What is the first step for treating type 1 diabetes?

Insulin injected subcutaneously is the first-line treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM). The different types of insulin vary with respect to onset and duration of action. Short-, intermediate-, and long-acting insulins are available.

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How do you explain insulin to a patient?

Insulin is a hormone created by your pancreas that controls the amount of glucose in your bloodstream at any given moment. It also helps store glucose in your liver, fat, and muscles. Finally, it regulates your body’s metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.

How do you do RBS?

The procedure for random blood sugar test is pretty simple and does not even require fasting unlike Fast Blood Glucose Test. RBS test involves drawing of blood out from the veins by means of an injection. Apart from a tiny prick not much discomfort is felt during the RBS test.

Which of the following is characteristic of type 1 diabetes mellitus?

Type 1 diabetes signs and symptoms can appear relatively suddenly and may include: Increased thirst. Frequent urination. Bed-wetting in children who previously didn’t wet the bed during the night.

What is the main goal in treating diabetic patients?

The goal of diabetes management is to keep blood glucose levels as close to normal as safely possible. Since diabetes may greatly increase risk for heart disease and peripheral artery disease, measures to control blood pressure and cholesterol levels are an essential part of diabetes treatment as well.

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What can you teach a patient with diabetes?

Understand how to take care of yourself and learn the skills to:

  1. Eat healthy.
  2. Be active.
  3. Check your blood sugar (glucose).
  4. Take your medicine.
  5. Solve problems.
  6. Cope with the emotional side of diabetes.
  7. Reduce your risk of other health problems.

How does insulin work type 1 diabetes?

Insulin lowers blood sugar by allowing it to leave the bloodstream and enter cells. Everyone with type 1 diabetes must take insulin every day. Most commonly, insulin is injected under the skin using a syringe, insulin pen, or insulin pump.