
Which is better FCFS or SJF?

Which is better FCFS or SJF?

Shortest Job First (SJF) Scheduling Algorithm is based upon the burst time of the process….Note –

First Come First Served (FCFS) Shortest Job First (SJF)
FCFS is non preemptive in nature. SJF is also non-preemptive but its preemptive version is also there called Shortest Remaining Time First (SRTF) algorithm.

Which disk scheduling algorithm is fastest?

With the classical approach of disk scheduling algorithm, few algorithms like SSTF and LOOK will be the most efficient algorithm compared to FCFS, SCAN, C-SCAN and C-LOOK disk scheduling algorithm with respect to these parameters.

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Which scheduling algorithm is best if we know the execution time?

SJF is optimal in terms of average waiting time for a given set of processes,i.e., average waiting time is minimum with this scheduling, but problems are, how to know/predict the time of next job.

What is the most efficient process scheduling algorithm and why?

As of now, the Round Robin scheduling algorithm is considered as the efficient process scheduling algorithm among all the existing CPU scheduling algorithms. However, in RR the shortest one have to wait for a longer time and in SRTF longer process behaves as a suspended process as short tasks keep on executing.

Why is SRTF a better scheduling algorithm than SJF?

Processes having same arrival time will convert SRTF to SJF….Differences:

Shortest Job First: Shortest Remaining Job First:
It is a non-preemptive algorithm. It is a preemptive algorithm.
It involves lesser number of context switching. It involves higher number of context switching.

Is SSTF optimal?

Although, SSTF is not optimal, it is faster than the other 3 because it services the closest request first.

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Which of the following algorithms works by priority?

Which of the following algorithms work based on priority? Explanation: The preemptive scheduling is based on priority where a scheduler may preempt a low priority running process anytime when a high priority process enters into a ready state.

Which is the most optimal scheduling algorithm Mcq?

Discussion Forum

Que. The most optimal scheduling algorithm is :
b. SJF – Shortest Job First
c. RR – Round Robin
d. None of these
Answer:SJF – Shortest Job First

Is SRTF optimal?

SRTF is optimal and guarantees the minimum average waiting time. It provides a standard for other algorithms since no other algorithm performs better than it.

What is the optimum scheduling algorithm?

A batch computer system, the optimum scheduling algorithm is one that maximizes the utilization of all the hardware of the computer system. This would include all the CPUs, main memory, disk drives, tape drives, printers, and card readers. The more equipment going simultaneously, the high efficiency.

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What are the different types of process scheduling algorithms?

Six types of process scheduling algorithms are: First Come First Serve (FCFS), 2) Shortest-Job-First (SJF) Scheduling, 3) Shortest Remaining Time, 4) Priority Scheduling, 5) Round Robin Scheduling, 6) Multilevel Queue Scheduling. In the First Come First Serve method, the process which requests the CPU gets the CPU allocation first.

Why do we need a second scheduling algorithm in Linux?

A second scheduling algorithm is required to schedule the processes which have same priority. In preemptive priority scheduling, a higher priority process can execute ahead of an already executing lower priority process. If lower priority process keeps waiting for higher priority processes, starvation occurs.

What are the advantages of shortest job first scheduling algorithm?

Starting with the Advantages: of Shortest Job First scheduling algorithm. According to the definition, short processes are executed first and then followed by longer processes. The throughput is increased because more processes can be executed in less amount of time.