
Which is better IGNOU or sol?

Which is better IGNOU or sol?

DU SOL is a more commonly known place for students and has an easier education structure but IGNOU is a more student friendly place as it systematically carries out the checking of exam papers and provides the students with better results than DU SOL. IGNOU also gives additional internal marks for assignments.

Is it worth doing M Com from IGNOU?

IGNOU is an approved and accredited university by the UGC and NAAC with an A grade. The university is valued and has genuine worth in the market, hence, an MCom degree from there will hold credibility.

Is MCom from IGNOU easy?

Yes definitely, you can complete any course in Distance Education Mode from IGNOU, by dedicating 3-4 hours of routine study per day. M.Com Course, I wouldnt say its tough, but sometimes you do need help from External Sources, Youtube Videos as well as Good Books to understand the intricacies and Commerce Involved.

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Is Sol mentioned in degree?

SOL refers to School of Open Learning, University of Delhi (DU SOL). Under SOL, students are not required to attend classes like regular students of DU. DU SOL is a good option for students who could not get admission in regular degrees of DU or any other regular college or university due to any reason.

Is IGNOU degree valid for Wes?

IGNOU is a recognized uni through WES.

What is the difference between IGNOU Sol and Du Sol?

DU SOL is a more commonly known place for students and has an easier education structure but IGNOU is a more student friendly place as it systematically carries out the checking of exam papers and provides the students with better results than DU SOL. Moreover, IGNOU also gives additional internal marks for assignments.

What is the difference between IGNOU and du?

IGNOU is one of the largest Universities in Asia. DU is also one of the most reputed Universities in the country. The examination center of IGNOU is situated throughout the country. DU has its examination center in New Delhi only. It has two campuses. Sometimes, students are required to attend classes.

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What are the courses offered at IGNOU?

IGNOU offers both regular and distance learning courses. Further, The University offers 250+ Bachelor, Master, Diploma, Certificate, and diploma programs. Moreover, The programs offered at the University are based on students’ needs analysis.